
Simple flask project using sqlalchemy and postgres

Primary LanguagePython

Bus Databse

This Flask project displays a table of buses from Singapore to KL generated from two database tables.

The purpose of this project is to expand on my Airline Project by using Flask and SQLAlchemy's ORM features instead of generating SQL for the database, largely learned from here: https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2018/notes/4/

Technologies Used

  • Flask 1.1.2
  • Python 3.6
  • Postgres 10.12
  • SQLAlchemy 1.3
  • Jinja 2.11
  • Bootstrap



Step 1: Create the Database in Postgres

This is the only real command that needs to be run in postgres


Step 2: Setup the Environment

This step is to make sure environment variables are properly specified. I use a file called env.sh which contains two important variables. It is good practice not to add environment files to your repositories, which is why my env.sh is not here. My env.sh contains:


In which the database URI being refernced in create.py and application.py and the flask app variable being necessary to run flask. I also specificy flask should run in debug mode, but this is not necessary. Make sure to source this with:

source env.sh

or export the variables manually:

export DATABASE_URI="postgres+psycopg2:///buses"
export FLASK_APP="application.py"

Note: the URI I have specified only works because the database is hosted locally and I am a root user.

Step 3: Setup Python

I suggest using a virtualenv by executing

pip install virtualenv
python -m venv env

If your terminal prompt does not show anything such as 'e' or something to show you are in the virtual environment, you can activate it by running

source /env/bin/activate.sh

Now install the required packages by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Setup Tables

Tables can be setup with config.py which will use the variables specified in models.py. Run with:

python config.py


flask run


The sample data from the csv files is inspired from actual buses lines that I used but are not real data.