Double Wheel Robot

A completely 3D printed robotics platform with a unique design.

Side View V1


This project builds upon the snap fit and gear testing done with my Gearbox Mk1 Project. The idea was to create a completely 3D printed platform to experiment with PID control on Arduino in a unique robot body. The large wheels don't provide a whole lot of benefit other than looking unique.



The large wheels have 5 points of contact:

  • The gear which drives them
  • 2 rollers on each side


Fully 3D Printed Body (almost)

Except for 6 M3-0.5 screws used to hold the motors, the entire body is 3D printed and held together with snap-fits or similar parts.


  • On the center breadboard is a BNO055 IMU sensor.
  • A L293DNE Quadruple Half H-Bridge is wired up to be 2 full H-Bridges and powers both the left and right motors.



12V Battery Pack

Driving the 12V DC motors with between 5V and 9V with the H-bridge proved to be too little voltage. The 12V battery pack uses 8 1.5V AA batteries to provide 12V to the motors.