Social Data Analysis and Visualization 2021

Repository for the requirements of the course 02806 Social data analysis and visualization running in the spring semester 2021. This the official wiki of the course on github.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to a chosen project root directory.
  2. Inside the root:
    1. Create the Datasets folder where the particular datasets will be stored.
    2. Run/Create the notebooks (each accessing their associated dataset from root/Datasets)

Project Directory Structure

└── /Code  			    		# Root Folder (can be any name)
    ├── /Datasets               # Folder of datasets used in weekly notebooks
    │    │ 						# Example of Dataset inside 
    │    ├─ Police_Department_Incident_Reports__Historical_2003_to_May_2018.csv
    │    └─ ...
    ├── Week1.ipynb           	# Example of clean weekly jupyter notebook
    ├── ...          
    ├──               # Project Documentation
    ├── /Abdul                  # Folder: Abdul's space
    ├── /Alex                   # Folder: Alex' space        
    └── /Asterios               # Folder: Asterios' space