
ODBC-based DB2 driver for Laravel5 Eloquent (Hiatus)

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laravel-odbc-db2 (Development paused)

ODBC-based DB2 driver for Laravel5 Eloquent

Thispackage will provide an ODBC-based driver for IBM's DB2 to hopefully work on LUW (Linux Unix Windows), as opposed to IBMi.

There appear to be two ways to connect to DB2. The first uses an IBM PDO extension (via pecl), but this seems to be really old and unless you want to hack around, trying to get it to compile, it is best avoided. We'll be building an ODBC driver usin unixODBC under Ubuntu 14.04.

Details on installing DB2 Express C under Ubuntu 14.04 with no GUI

Details on bulding ODBC driver using unixODBC

Test PDO using DSN to give a 'connection succeeded' message

Once the above has been done, we need to get it working with Laravel.

  1. Install this package via composer:

    composer require opb/laravel-odbc-db2
  2. Replace the Illuminate DatabaseServiceProvider with our own in app.php:

    'providers' => [
  3. Add our new database config into the connections array in database.php, under the odbc key. Note that we're using .env variables, and that the odbc_driver variable is set to what we named our driver when we created it with unixODBC:

    	'odbc' => [
    		'driver'         => 'odbc',
    		'host'           => env('DB2_HOST', 'localhost'),
    		'database'       => env('DB2_DATABASE', ''),
    		'username'       => env('DB2_USER', 'db2inst1'),
    		'password'       => env('DB2_PASSWORD', 'password'),
    		'port'			 => env('DB2_PORT', 50000),
    		'schema'		 => 'DB2INST1',
    		'odbc_driver'    => 'DB2', // name of driver created by unixODBC
  4. If this is your default DB connection, remember to modify the 'default' key in database.php to reflect this.