
A PowerShell script that automates the security assessment of Microsoft Office 365 environments.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


From 1st of December 2022 the Project will go further under a different name: M365SAT. The public release of M365SAT is scheduled on 1st of February 2023

For more information, questions or issues, please do contact me so I can see if I can fix it in the upcoming stable release.

The Open-Source, Automated Microsoft 365 Security Assessment Tool

OS made-with-powershell Docker Maintenance GitHub Documentation

1. Table of contents

2. Purpose

Further the state of M365 security by authoring a PowerShell script that automates the security assessment of Microsoft 365 environments.

3. About 365Inspect+

365Inspect+ is a command-line utility that automatically audits an M365 environment. 365Inspect+ retrieves configuration information from your M365 instance and validates whether or not a series of security best practices have been followed. 365Inspect creates a simple graphical HTML report that provides descriptions of any discovered security flaws as well as actionable recommendations you can use to improve the security state of your M365 instance.

365Inspect+ is open-source and completely free. It is authored in PowerShell, and all you need to use it are the appropriate PowerShell modules and credentials to your M365 administrator account. For our fellow tinkerers and security analysts out there, 365Inspect also supports a simple module system that allows you to easily author your own additions to the audit functionality. This means you can use it out of the box as a powerful M365 security scanner, or nerd out and expand the functionality using your own or other modules. Detailed directions are provided on the project’s Github page.

4. Configuration:

365Inspect+ requires the administrative PowerShell modules for Azure AD (We recommend installing the AzureADPreview module), Exchange administration, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Teams, and both the Sharepoint and PnP SharePoint administration modules.

The 365Inspect+.ps1 PowerShell script will validate the installed modules and minimum version of the modules necessary for the Inspectors to function.

If you do not have these modules installed, you will be prompted to install them, and with your approval, the script will attempt installation. Otherwise, you should be able to install them with the following commands in an administrative PowerShell prompt, or by following the instructions at the references below:

Install-Module -Name MSOnline

Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview

Install-Module -Name Az

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph

Install-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell

Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune


Once the above are installed, download the 365Inspect source code folder from Github using your browser or by using git clone.

As you will run 365Inspect with administrative privileges, you should place it in a logical location and make sure the contents of the folder are readable and writable only by the administrative user. This is especially important if you intend to install 365Inspect+ in a location where it will be executed frequently or used as part of an automated process.

To make sure you will not encounter any issues run the following commands:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Get-ChildItem -Path 'Directoryof365Inspect+' -Recurse | Unblock-File

5. How-To-Use

To run 365Inspect+, open a PowerShell console and navigate to the folder you downloaded 365Inspect+ into:

cd 365Inspect

You will interact with 365Inspect+ by executing the main script file, 365Inspect.ps1, from within the PowerShell command prompt.

All 365Inspect+ requires to inspect your O365 tenant is access via an O365 account with proper permissions, so most of the command line parameters relate to the organization being assessed and the method of authentication.

Execution of 365Inspect+ looks like this:

.\365Inspect+.ps1 -OrgName <value> -OutPath <value> -reportType <HTML/CSV/XML> (-Username <username> -Password <password> -SkipUpdateCheck *these are optional*)

For example, to log in by entering your credentials in a browser with MFA support and exporting an HTML report:

.\365Inspect+.ps1 -OrgName mycompany -OutPath ..\365_report -reportType HTML

365Inspect+ can be run with only specified Inspector modules, or conversely, by excluding specified modules.

For example, to log in by entering your credentials in a browser with MFA support and exporting an HTML report:

.\365Inspect+.ps1 -OrgName mycompany -OutPath ..\365_report -reportType HTML -SelectedInspectors inspector1, inspector2


.\365Inspect+.ps1 -OrgName mycompany -OutPath ..\365_report -reportType HTML -ExcludedInspectors inspector1, inspector2, inspector3
  • OrgName is the name of the core organization or "company" of your O365 instance, which will be inspected.
    • If you do not know your organization name, you can navigate to the list of all Exchange domains in O365. The topmost domain should be named domain_name.onmicrosoft.com. In that example, domain_name is your organization name and should be used when executing 365Inspect.
  • OutPath is the path to a folder where the report generated by 365Inspect will be placed.
  • reportType is an choice paramers where users can specify the output of the report. Choices are HTML, CSV or XML format.
  • Username is an string paramter that could be provided if the Username is constantly the same for authentication
    • The Password parameter is optional to use if you use it with the Username parameter.
  • Password is an string parameter that allows the user to authenticate with their password.
  • SelectedInspectors is the name or names of the inspector or inspectors you wish to run with 365Inspect. If multiple inspectors are selected they must be comma separated. Only the named inspectors will be run.
  • ExcludedInspectors is the name or names of the inspector or inspectors you wish to prevent from running with 365Inspect. If multiple inspectors are selected they must be comma separated. All modules other included modules will be run.
  • SkipUpdateCheck allows the user to skip the update and installation check. Only use this parameter if you know that your modules are up-to-date and are all installed correctly.

When you execute 365Inspect+ normally, it may produce several graphical login prompts that you must sequentially log into. This is normal behavior as Exchange, SharePoint etc. have separate administration modules and each requires a different login session. If you simply log in the requested number of times, 365Inspect+ should begin to execute. For semi-automation you should specify the -Username parameter that would allow logging in into some of the modules automatically. Sadly there are some modules where it is required to login with full credentials, we cannot mitigate this issue. So we have to wait for an update in the future to allow the support of this functionality.

As 365Inspect+ executes, it will steadily print status updates indicating which inspection task is running.

365Inspect+ may take some time to execute. This time scales with the size and complexity of the environment under test. For example, some inspection tasks involve scanning the account configuration of all users. This may occur near-instantly for an organization with 50 users, or could take entire minutes (!) for an organization with 10000.

6. Output

365Inspect+ creates a directory specified in the out_path parameter e.g. (orgname_timestamp). This directory is the result of the entire 365Inspect inspection. The following items are included:

  • Report_timestamp_orgname.html/csv/xml: graphical report that describes the M365 security issues identified by 365Inspect+, lists O365 objects that are misconfigured, and provides remediation advice.
  • Various text files named [Inspector-Name]: these are raw output from inspector modules and contain a list (one item per line) of misconfigured O365 objects that contain the described security flaw. For example, if a module Inspect-FictionalMFASettings were to detect all users who do not have MFA set up, the file "Inspect-FictionalMFASettings" in the report ZIP would contain one user per line who does not have MFA set up. This information is only dumped to a file in cases where more than 15 affected objects are discovered. If less than 15 affected objects are discovered, the objects are listed directly in the main HTML report body.
  • Report_timestamp_orgname.zip: zipped version of this entire directory, for convenient distribution of the results in cases where some inspector modules generated a large amount of findings.
  • Log directory: 365Inspect+ logs any errors encountered during the scripts execution to a timestamped log file found in the Log directory.

7. Necessary Privileges

365Inspect+ can't run properly unless the O365 account you authenticate with has appropriate privileges. 365Inspect+ requires, at minimum, the following:

  • Global Administrator
  • SharePoint Administrator

We realize that these are extremely permissive roles, unfortunately due to the use of Microsoft Graph, we are restricted from using lesser prileges by Microsoft. Application and Cloud Application Administrator roles (used to grant delegated and application permissions) are restricted from granting permissions for Microsoft Graph or Azure AD PowerShell modules. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/roles/permissions-reference#application-administrator

8. Developing Additional Inspector Modules

365Inspect+ is designed to be easy to expand, with the hope that it enables individuals and organizations to either utilize their own 365Inspect modules internally, or publish those modules for the O365 community.

All of 365Inspect+'s inspector modules are stored in the .\inspectors folder.

It is simple to create an inspector module. Inspectors have two files:

  • ModuleName.ps1: the PowerShell source code of the inspector module. Should return a list of all O365 objects affected by a specific issue, represented as strings.
  • ModuleName.json: metadata about the inspector itself. For example, the finding name, description, remediation information, and references.

The PowerShell and JSON file names must be identical for 365Inspect to recognize that the two belong together. There are numerous examples in 365Inspect's built-in suite of modules, but we'll put an example here too.

8.1. Example

Example .ps1 file, Exchange-BypassingSafeAttachments.ps1:

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$errorHandling = "$((Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName)\Write-ErrorLog.ps1"

. $errorHandling

# Define a function that we will later invoke.
# 365Inspect's built-in modules all follow this pattern.
function Inspect-BypassingSafeAttachments {
Try {

	# Query some element of the O365 environment to inspect. Note that we did not have to authenticate to Exchange
	# to fetch these transport rules within this module; assume main 365Inspect harness has logged us in already.
	$safe_attachment_bypass_rules = (Get-TransportRule | Where-Object { $_.SetHeaderName -eq "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SkipSafeAttachmentProcessing" }).Identity
	# If some of the parsed O365 objects were found to have the security flaw this module is inspecting for,
	# return a list of those objects.
	If ($safe_attachment_bypass_rules.Count -ne 0) {
		return $safe_attachment_bypass_rules
	# If none of the parsed O365 objects were found to have the security flaw this module is inspecting for,
	# returning $null indicates to 365Inspect that there were no findings for this module.
	return $null

Catch {
Write-Warning "Error message: $_"
$message = $_.ToString()
$exception = $_.Exception
$strace = $_.ScriptStackTrace
$failingline = $_.InvocationInfo.Line
$positionmsg = $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
$pscommandpath = $_.InvocationInfo.PSCommandPath
$failinglinenumber = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$scriptname = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
Write-Verbose "Write to log"
Write-ErrorLog -message $message -exception $exception -scriptname $scriptname
Write-Verbose "Errors written to log"


# Return the results of invoking the inspector function.
return Inspect-BypassingSafeAttachments

Example .json file, Exchange-BypassingSafeAttachments.json:

	"FindingName": "Do Not Bypass the Safe Attachments Filter",
	"ProductFamily": "Microsoft Exchange",
	"CVS": "7.5",
	"Description": "In Exchange, it is possible to create mail transport rules that bypass the Safe Attachments detection capability. The rules listed above bypass the Safe Attachments capability. Consider reviewing these rules, as bypassing the Safe Attachments capability even for a subset of senders could be considered insecure depending on the context or may be an indicator of compromise.",
	"Remediation": "Navigate to the Mail Flow → Rules screen in the Exchange Admin Center. Look for the offending rules and begin the process of assessing who created them and whether they are necessary to the continued function of the organization. If they are not, remove the rules.",
	"DefaultValue" : "None",
    "ExpectedValue" : "None",
    "ReturnedValue" : "",
    "Impact": "High",
	"RiskRating" : "High",
    "AffectedObjects": "",
	"References": [
			"Url": "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/manage-mail-flow-rules",
			"Text": "Manage Mail Flow Rules in Exchange Online"
			"Url": "https://www.undocumented-features.com/2018/05/10/atp-safe-attachments-safe-links-and-anti-phishing-policies-or-all-the-policies-you-can-shake-a-stick-at/#Bypass_Safe_Attachments_Processing",
			"Text": "Undocumented Features: Safe Attachments, Safe Links, and Anti-Phishing Policies"

Once you drop these two files in the .\inspectors folder, they are considered part of 365Inspect+'s module inventory and will run the next time you execute 365Inspect+.

You have just created the BypassingSafeAttachments Inspector module. Yay!

365Inspect+ will throw a pretty loud and ugly error if something in your module doesn't work or doesn't follow 365Inspect+ conventions, so monitor the command line output.

9. About Program's Security

365Inspect+ is a script harness that runs other inspector script modules stored in the .\inspectors folder. As with any other script you may run with elevated privileges, you should observe certain security hygiene practices:

  • No untrusted user should have write access to the 365Inspect+ folder/files, as that user could then overwrite scripts or templates therein and induce you to run malicious code.
  • No script module should be placed the Inspectors folder unless you trust the source of that script module.

10. License

365Inspect+ is an open-source and free software released under the MIT License.

11. Who talks about 365Inspect+

12. Special Thanks To...

  • SoteriaSecurity: For allowing me to create the fork and this version!
  • CISSecurity: For providing the M365 benchmarks to make audit scripts