=== Wordpress Picture / Portfolio / Media Gallery ===
Contributors: nimble3,mamirulamin
Donate link: http://www.nimble3.com
Tags: picture, portfolio, gallery, picture gallery, media gallery, filterable portfolio, filterable gallery, jquery portfolio, sortable portfolio, skin based portfolio, prettyphoto, lightbox, prettyphoto lightbox, media gallery, prettyphoto gallery, lightbox gallery, responsive portfolio, responsive picture gallery, responsive media gallery, responsive design, isotope, fancybox, magnific popup, swipebox, ihover, best portfolio plugin, best gallery plugin, best grid gallery, best portfolio grid
Requires at least: 3.5.1
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: 2.1.4
License: GPLv2 or later

A powerful portfolio/gallery plugin, highly suitable to showcase your portfolio/pictures/videos/media and sort them nicely under filterable tabs.
== Description ==

<h3>Nimble Portfolio</h3>

This free plugin can transform a humble wordpress website into a feature rich media gallery where you can proudly showcase your projects, client logos, photography, or any other pictures or videos of your choice. You can group the contents of your media gallery using the built-in jQuery sort filters and display them on any theme of your choice. It comes with built-in PrettyPhoto lighbox but can also be customized easily by using other add-ons. This plugin is also responsive which means it would work perfectly on desktop, tablet and mobile screen sizes.  If you read through our documentation we have provided step by step instructions to use the various features and functionality of this plugin.

= Plugin Features =

1. Support for all post types and taxonomies, like Posts, Woo commerce Products e.t.c. (from version 2.1.0)
2. Custom post type for portfolio items.
3. Built-in PrettyPhoto gallery for picture, video and <strong>PDF</strong> preview.
4. Youtube, Vimeo, Quicktime video support.
5. Easy categorization and sort/filter feature.
6. Shortcode Generator for easily generate and use shortcodes.
7. Widget enabled. (Version 2)
8. Configurable default skin (Version 2)
     - Fully Responsive for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
     - 3 Thumbnail Styles to choose from (Normal, Round and Square).
     - Fully customized (via admin configurations) to set Columns, Show/Hide Links e.t.c.

= Demos =

For all the demos of Plugin and its Addons, please visit http://demo.nimble3.com/nimble-portfolio/

= Quick User Guide =

1. Add portfolio filter under `Nimble Portfolio -> Filters`, such as web, mobile, graphics e.t.c.
2. Add new portfolio items using custom post type under `Nimble Portfolio -> Add Portfolio Item`. Add item title, description e.t.c.
3. Upload and set featured image from the far right bottom box.
4. Specify full-size Image URL or Video URL (youtube, vimeo) in the input field `Image/Video URL` on the left. You can also use `URL from Media Library` button to select the URL of full-size image from Media Library.
5. Specify a live URL for your project in the input field `Portfolio URL`.

= Detailed Documentation =

For latest detailed documentation please visit http://demo.nimble3.com/nimble-portfolio/documentation/

= Premium Add-ons =

Premium add-ons for Nimble Portfolio also available with enhanced features.

* [Seamless Premium Skin](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/premium-seamless-skin-for-nimble-portfolio/) (NEW)
* [Isotope Premium Add-on](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/premium-isotope-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [iHover Premium Skin](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/ihover-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [Default+ Premium Skin](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/premium-defaultplus-skin-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [Magnific Pop Premium Add-on](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/magnific-popup-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [Fancybox Premium Add-on](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/fancybox-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [prettyPhoto Premium Add-on](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/premium-prettyphoto-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)
* [Swipebox Premium Add-on](http://www.nimble3.com/shop/premium-swipebox-addon-for-nimble-portfolio/)

= Note for Premium plugin (version 1.4.0) users =

Premium plugin is upgraded to version 2, any premium plugin purchase made in last 12 months is eligible to upgrade to version 2.

= Upgrade Notice =

When upgrading from version 1 to version 2, your current plugin skin (template) will be replaced by new default skin, there is no going back to your old plugin skin. But who cares when your old fixed style skin is replaced by modern responsive design :)

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =

* WordPress 3.5.1 onwards
* PHP 5.3 onwards
* MySQL 5.0 onwards

Use this link for installation instructions: http://demo.nimble3.com/nimble-portfolio/documentation/

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please use Support tab OR use this link http://demo.nimble3.com/nimble-portfolio/faq/

== Screenshots ==

1. Nimble Portfolio - Shortcode Generator
2. Nimble Portfolio - Widgets
3. Nimble Portfolio - Options meta box on Add New Item page
4. Nimble Portfolio - Items listing
5. Nimble Portfolio - Frontend Display
6. Nimble Portfolio - Picture in lightbox
7. Nimble Portfolio - Video in lightbox
8. Nimble Portfolio - Default Skin options
8. Nimble Portfolio - Global Settings

== Changelog ==

= 19 May 2015 =


FIXED: Quick edit button for item's sort order field.

= 12 Feb 2015 =


FIXED: Recent Portfolio Items widget missing permalinks for items.

= 29 Dec 2014 =


FIXED: Notice: Undefined index: global-settings in "wp-content/plugins/nimble-portfolio/nimble-portfolio.php" on line 490

= 24 Dec 2014 =


* Loading animation added.
* Global Settings added.
* Thumb cache and size settings moved to global settings from skin settings.
* LESS Compiler integrated for flexible CSS changes via admin

= 9 Nov 2014 =

2.1.0 (Major Upgrade)

* Plugin now support all post types and taxonomies (both built-in and custom)
* Shortcode Generator option in Dashboard menu (will replace TinyMCE editor shortcode button in the future)
* Order and Orderby support added in shortcode
* Nimble Portfolio widget replaced by Shortcode Widget (can be used for other shortcodes as well).
* Recent Portfolio Items widget added
* Previously `Featured Image` is used as fallback to `Image/Video URL` field in Default skin only, its now made generic.

= 15 Oct 2014 =


* FIXED: `Notice: Undefined index: nimble_portfolio_noncename in ....../wp-content/plugins/nimble-portfolio/nimble-portfolio.php on line 126` issue

= 9 Sep 2014 =


* Images smaller then thumbnail size were not cropping the thumbnail to exact size. Option added in default skin settings to add extra white space to exact thumbnail resize.
* `Featured Image` is used as fallback to `Image/Video URL` field.

= 11 Aug 2014 =


* Sort Order field for Filters added.

= 24 Jul 2014 =


* If Portfolio URL is not defined, its link wont be shown.

= 08 Jul 2014 =


1. Better handling of template paths, better support for add-ons, modify WP action and WP filters parameters to provide more data for better support
2. More robust and optimized way of generating Filters and Items attributes in default skin
3. Fixed crop flag while generating thumbnail

= 25 Jun 2014 =


* Error when updating Skin options - Fatal error: Call to a member function setOptions() on a non-object

= 24 Jun 2014 =


1. Replaced Skin menu registration procedure so the plugin will run on PHP version prior to 5.3.0
2. site_url() used instead of get_bloginfo('url'); function to take care of sub-directory installation

= 18 Jun 2014 =


* Extended tinymce shortcode javascript, added custom jquery events to help add-ons

= 17 Jun 2014 =


* FIXED: Too few arguments in class.NimblePortfolio.php bug ([reference](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/too-few-arguments-classnimbleportfoliophp))

= 16 Jun 2014 =

"Version 2.0.0 Released!"

= 09 Sep 2013 =


* rect-1 template CSS fix

= 09 Sep 2013 =


1. PDF support for lightbox gallery.
2. New Template variation for Round template. template code: 'round-2' 
3. New Template variation for Rectangular template. template code: 'rect-2' 

= 05 Aug 2013 =

1. New Template. template code: 'round-1' 
2. New Template. template code: 'rect-1' 
3. Better thumbnail generation.
4. flush_rewrite_rules() on plugin activation to take care of 404 error on single portfolio post.
5. Taxonomy slug changed to 'portfolio-type'

= 06 May 2013 =

1. Added `URL from Media Library` button to select full size Image URL much easier from your site's Media Library.

= 05 Mar 2013 =


1. Fixed - Warning: Illegal string offset 'template' issue (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/issues-5)
2. Fixed - After filter, gallery showing all images

= 04 Mar 2013 =


1. Fixed - Error on above thumbnails on page (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-on-above-thumbnails-on-page)

= 05 Feb 2013 =


1. Fixed - Jetpack compatibility issue (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/jetpack-compatibility-issue)
2. Fixed - Two menu items for 'Item Type' (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-nimble-portfolio-observation-on-install)
3. Fixed - No "Nimble Portfolio" tab on Dashboard/Admin Menu (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-nimble-tab-on-dashboard)

= 12 Oct 2012 =


1. A small bug that was printing the shortcode out, instead of replacing the shortcode.
2. Function to use in php code i.e. `nimble_portfolio_show()`.

= 31 Aug 2012 =


1. A small bug that was hiding the item types.
2. A lot of people were asking for PrettyPhoto so now plugin uses PrettyPhoto instead of fancybox for gallery.

= 25 Aug 2012 = 


1. A small bug that did not allow selection of featured images from library files has now been fixed. You can select from the images available in your library for portfolio items.
2. Another bug that stopped sorting of portfolio category names that contained special characters has been resolved. Now category names with special characters can be sorted. This is useful if you want to create a price-range sort feature using $ or £ etc in your category names.

= 29 Jun 2012 =

1.0.0 – First release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= Version 2 released =

When upgrading from version 1 to version 2, your current plugin skin (template) will be replaced by new default skin, there is no going back to your old plugin skin. But who cares when your old fixed style skin is replaced by modern responsive design :)