This repository contains all the Python materials we use for teaching.
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
- Basic Data Types
- Data Structures
- Conditional Statements
- For Loops and While Loops
- Functions and Modules
- Manipulating Text Files
- Visualization with Matplotlib
- Python Coding Standards
- List Comprehension
- Optimizing Python Applications
- Packaging and Deployment
- Transitioning from Python 2 to Python 3
- Python Decorators
- Passing Parameters to Applications (argparse, click, configparser)
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pandas
- Scientific Data Format Files (netCDF4 and h5py)
- Serialization and Deserialization (pickle, json)
- Data Retrieval
- Introduction to Machine Learning - Basic Concepts of Machine Learning - Exploratory Data Analysis with Python - Regression Modeling with Scikit-Learn - Regression Modeling with Tensorflow - Supervised Modeling with Scikit-Learn
- Parallel Data Processing with Dask (in preparation)
- subprocess Module
- threading Module (in preparation)
- multiprocessing Module (in preparation)
- Introduction to F2Py (in preparation)
- Introduction to Cython (in preparation)
- Introduction to Git
- Object Oriented Programming
- Exception Handling
- Overview of IO (manipulating various file formats: text, bin, cvs, nc4, hdf5, etc.)
- datetime Module
- xlrd Module