
This project focuses on creating a robust and efficient website layout using the Gulp build system.

Primary LanguageSCSS


This project focuses on creating a robust and efficient website layout using the Gulp build system. The Gulp build system automates various tasks to streamline the development process, enhancing productivity and ensuring a smooth workflow. The website layout is a crucial aspect of web development, and this project leverages Gulp along with a set of essential devDependencies to achieve a well-organized and optimized structure.


  • Browser Sync: Real-time browser synchronization for an instant preview of changes during development.
  • Gulp Plugins: Utilizes an array of Gulp plugins, including autoprefixer, clean-css, file-include, group-css-media-queries, imagemin, and more, to automate common development tasks.
  • Webpack Integration: Incorporates webpack and webpack-stream for efficient module bundling and code organization.
  • Sass Support: Utilizes the power of Sass for a more maintainable and structured stylesheet.
  • Image Optimization: Implements gulp-imagemin and imagemin-pngquant to optimize images and reduce page load times.
  • WebP Conversion: Integrates webp-converter and gulp-webp for converting images to the modern WebP format.
  • SVG Sprite: Uses gulp-svg-sprite for creating SVG sprites, promoting a cleaner and scalable approach to vector graphics.
  • Version Numbering: Implements gulp-version-number to manage versioning for assets and ensure proper cache handling.
  • Zip Archiving: Provides a gulp task for creating zip archives, facilitating easy deployment and sharing.

Design: Figma