Experiment: Mongo change event and SSE

This project aims to experiment on Mongo's change event stream and SSE (Server Sent Event) to broadcast changes into database.

Macro architecture

  • Mongo DB server
    • replicat set is enabled in order to have oplog and allow change stream listener
  • Node application worker
    • write new message into DB
  • Applications backend (front-java or front-node)
    • register connected clients
    • open a SSE "channel" for each connected client
    • is notified by each new DB entry through change stream events and forward new message to each connected client
    • receive new message from client and write them to DB
  • Frontend client
    • register to backend when initialising message list
    • retrieve from backend initial message list
    • send to backend new message
    • receive new messages saved into backend through SSE


With Docker

# node backend + react frontend
docker-compose -f docker-compose__node.yml up
# java backend + react frontend
docker-compose -f docker-compose__java.yml up

If you need to rebuild projects :

# node backend + react frontend
docker-compose -f docker-compose__node.yml up --build
# java backend + react frontend
docker-compose -f docker-compose__java.yml up --build

You can access:

  • React front client on localhost:3000
  • api on localhost:3001
  • Angular front client on localhost:3002

Without Docker

Docker is not required to develop nor test this project. It is just easier to bootstrap a database for our demonstration. Also, focus for this experiment is on application side.


The system needs a Mongo instance with replica set enabled::

# as we need oplog to be available, we need to run a replica set
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo:4.0.14 --replSet rs0
# the we need to initialize replica set
# connect to container instance
docker exec -it mongodb bash
# -> you're on container instance shell
# -> you're on container instance mongo shell
# initialize replica set


You can start each application thanks to the setup shell script contained in each folder (node-front, node-worker, java-front, ui-react): start-with-env.sh. This shell script sets up environment variables and start the application.

UI can be started with classic create-react-app workflow : npm run start.



  • in order to access Mongo's change stream, we need to enable oplog, and so, we need to enable replica set

  • replica set needs to be manually activated, what is done in this experiment is VERY dirty

  • using Mongo's change stream is very easy with NodeJS or Java

  • broadcasting through SSE is very easy from NodeJS or Java

  • proxy (in our case Nginx) needs specific configuration to allow SSE pass through (enable HTTP1.1 for example)

  • application stack is quite easy to set up once Mongo replica set is enabled

  • Docker configuration was the hardest part

    • i'm quite a beginner with Docker
    • node application containers need database container to be up and running as replica set, it means, we need to wait for container to be up (managed thanks to Docker depends_on in docker-compose.yml), then we need to wait for database to be up (thanks to Docker-wait-for.sh script in each application container) and finally we need to wait for replica set to be available (thanks to polling rs.status()with Mongo CLI from each application container)