ScandiPWA custom theme

This idea is to ease development environment setup:

  • you won't need for hardcoded custom host (still do not use localhost)
  • you'll need a proxy for sending request to remote Magento instance (media and GraphQL)



In order for live reload to work a new host needs to be set:

cat >> hosts << EOF scandipwa.local
::1 scandipwa.local

This is mandatory as the domain scandipwa.local is hardcoded in src/config/webpack.development.config.js.


As ScandiPWA v3 relies on Composer, you 'll to install it. Either you install it on your host (no idea on how to do it as i'm no php developer), or you can use Docker.

alias composer='docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app composer'

Init project

This task is only required when creating a new project.


Init submodules

After cloning the project, we need to initialize submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Proxy remote Magento

We need reverse-proxy node project:

cd reverse-proxy
npm install LOCAL_PORT=3000 LOCAL_DOMAIN=scandipwa.local node index.js
# application is available on http://scandipwa.local:3000

For the REMOTE_SERVER_DOMAIN environment variable, you can set whatever domain you want as long as there is a Magento instance behind it. Leave it running in the background / another terminal, it will log requests to the GraphQL endpoint.

Start project

We need to initialize project node dependencies:

cd app/design/frontend/Scandiweb/pwa
npm install

We also need to add composer dependencies:

# TODO ...
# for now, let's suppose that we don't have any composer dependency

Then we start the project:

npm run watch -- --env.BUILD_MODE=development
# application is available on port 3003
# but to use it, you'll need to go through reverse proxy on http://scandipwa.local:3000