
simple Ajax client for ClojureScript

Primary LanguageClojure


simple Ajax client for ClojureScript



"Leiningen version"

Note that there are breaking changes since 0.1, detailed near the bottom of this readme.

The client provides an easy way to send Ajax queries to the server using GET, POST, and PUT functions. It also provides a simple way using ajax-request.

There are three formats currently supported for communicating with the server: :json, :edn and :raw. (:raw will send parameters up using normal form submission and return the raw text.)


The GET, POST, and PUT helpers accept a URI followed by a map of options:

  • :handler - the handler function for successful operation should accept a single parameter which is the deserialized response
  • :error-handler - the handler function for errors, should accept an error response (detailed below)
  • :finally - a function that takes no parameters and will be triggered during the callback in addition to any other handlers
  • :format - the format for the request. If you leave this blank, it will use :edn as the default
  • :response-format the response format. If you leave this blank, it will detect the format from the Content-Type header
  • :params - the parameters that will be sent with the request, format dependent: :edn can send anything, :json and :raw need to be given a map. GET will add params onto the query string, POST will put the params in the body
  • :timeout - the ajax call's timeout. 30 seconds if left blank

Everything can be blank, but if you don't provide an :error-handler you're going to have a bad time.

JSON specific settings

The following settings affect the interpretation of JSON responses: (You must specify :response-format as :json to use these.)

  • :keywords? - true/false specifies whether keys in maps will be keywordized
  • :prefix - the prefix to be stripped from the start of the JSON response. e.g. while(1);. You should always use this if you've got a GET request.

GET/POST examples

(ns foo
  (:require [ajax.core :refer [GET POST]]))

(defn handler [response]
  (.log js/console (str response)))

(defn error-handler [{:keys [status status-text]}]
  (.log js/console (str "something bad happened: " status " " status-text)))

(GET "/hello")

(GET "/hello" {:params {:foo "foo"}})

(GET "/hello" {:handler handler
               :error-handler error-handler})

(POST "/hello")

(POST "/send-message"
        {:params {:message "Hello World"
                  :user    "Bob"}
         :handler handler
         :error-handler error-handler})

(POST "/send-message"
        {:params {:message "Hello World"
                  :user    "Bob"}
         :handler handler
         :error-handler error-handler
         :response-format :json
         :keywords? true})
(PUT "/add-item"
     {:param {:id 1 :name "mystery item"}})         

Error Responses

An error response is a map with the following keys passed to it:

  • :status - the HTTP status code
  • :status-text - the HTTP status message, or feedback from a parse failure
  • :response - the EDN/JSON response if it's valid
  • :original-text The response as raw text (if parsing failed)
  • :is-parse-error Is true if this is feedback from a parse failure
  • :parse-error If the server returned an error, and that then failed to parse, the map contains the error, and this contains the parse failure

The error-handler for GET, POST, and PUT is passed one parameter which is an error response.

Handling responses on the server

If you're using EDN then you may wish to take a look at ring-edn middleware. It will populate the request :params with the contents of the EDN request.

For handling JSON requests use ring-json middleware instead. This populates the data in the :body tag. However, note that it does not provide protection against JSON hijacking yet, so do not use it with JSON format GETs, even for internal websites. (As an aside, if you need lower level JSON access, e.g. for formatting, we'd recommend Cheshire over data.json.)

If your tastes/requirements run more to a standardized multi-format REST server, you might want to investigate ring-middleware-format.


The ajax-request is the simple interface. It differs from the GET and POST API as follows:

  • You can use your own formats.
  • You can't use keywords to specify formats. The API is harder to use.
  • It compiles to smaller code when advanced optimizations are switched on.
  • It doesn't do Content-Type discovery.
  • There's only one handler, so you have to handle errors.

The parameters are: uri, method (:get or :post etcetera) and options.

  • :format - a keyword indicating the response format, can be either :json, :edn or :raw*, defaults to :edn
  • :handler - A function that takes a single argument [ok result]. The result will be the response if true and the error response if false.
  • :params - The parameters that will be sent with the request. Same as GET and POST.
  • :timeout - The ajax call's timeout. 30 seconds if left blank.


A format is a map with the following keys:

  • :content-type - The content type to send to the server
  • :write - A function taking params and returning a string
  • :description - A description of the format, for use in error messages.
  • :read - A function that takes the underlying goog.net.XhrIo and converts it to a response. Exceptions thrown by this will be caught.

A request format is just a :content-type and :write. A response format is a :description and :read. The function codec takes a request format and a response format and creates a single format map.

The following functions are provided to construct format objects: (they have no parameters except where specified)

  • json-request-format
  • json-response-format takes a map of JSON specific settings (see above)
  • json-format both of the above: takes a map of JSON specific settings
  • edn-request-format
  • edn-response-format
  • edn-format both of the above
  • url-request-format (submits parameters as a normal form submission)
  • raw-response-format
  • raw-format both of the above

ajax-request examples

(defn handler2 [[ok response]]
  (if ok
    (.log js/console (str response))
    (.error js/console (str response)))

(ajax-request "/send-message" :post
        {:params {:message "Hello World"
                 :user    "Bob"}
         :handler handler2
         :format (json-format {:keywords? true})})

(ajax-request "/send-message" :post
        {:params {:message "Hello World"
                  :user    "Bob"}
         :handler handler2
         :format (codec (url-request-format) (json-response-format {:keywords? true}))})

Breaking Changes Since 0.1

  • ajax-request's API has significantly changed. It used to be pretty equivalent to GET and POST.
  • :keywordize-keys is now :keywords?
  • :format used to be the response format. The request format used to always to be :url


All pull requests are welcome, but we do ask that any changes come with tests that demonstrate the original problem. For this, you'll need to get the test environment working. First, you need to install phantom.js somewhere on your path. We recommend you download directly from the website [http://phantomjs.org/download.html]. (Do not give into the temptation of using apt-get on Ubuntu; it installs v1.4 and won't work.)

Second, you need to install ClojureScript.test as a leiningen plugin. The instructions are in the README.

After that lein test should run the tests.