
Copy of StyleCop from stylecop.codeplex.com for visual studio 2015 and C# 6

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Visual StyleCop

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Copy of StyleCop (Jason Allor, Andy Reeves and Team) from stylecop.codeplex.com for visual studio 2015/C#6 without ReSharper.

The purpose of this repository is to provide a solution for anyone that want to update to Visual Studio 2015 without change anything in previous solution. I think this should help you for the migration.

The wiki is in progress and sometimes you can browse to a broken link, please be patient.



develop master
Build status Build status

Code Coverage

develop master
codecov.io codecov.io

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Roadmap / Futur of StyleCop

I think the futur of StyleCop for Roslyn should be SyleCopAnalyzers I encourage you to use it for new projects based on VS2015/Roslyn.


StyleCop for ReSharper is not supported in this repository. For more information please check StyleCop - Resharper


Work and commit only in branch develop, master will be used only for merge and release. I will accept only pull request for bugfix and update for VS2015/C#6 that are not implemented yet, the purpose of this repository. Please don't add rules or new features without discussion.

GitHub Pages

StyleCop Rules

  • You can find help on rules in wiki