
Simple example of statsd and prometheus integration

Primary LanguageShell

Prometheus and statsd metrics integration example

Simple example of how to integrate statsd metrics on prometheus.

How does it work

We have 3 pieces here, Prometheus, statsd and the key of the integration statsd exporter with this.

Out scripts inserts random metrics on statsd (, this metrics are 2 gauges:

  • collectd.ec01.nginx.nginx_connections-active
  • collectd.ec02.nginx.nginx_connections-active

When statsd receives the metrics, it clones the metrics to the repeaters, in this case statsd exporter,this maps the statsd style metrics to prometheus style metrics to:

  • active_connections_gauge{app="nginx",exported_job="ec01"}
  • active_connections_gauge{app="nginx",exported_job="ec02"}

And serves the metrics to prometheus on prometheus will scrape this metrics and serve them on

In a grapth:

+----------+                     +-------------------+                        +--------------+
|  StatsD  |---(UDP repeater)--->|  statsd_exporter  |<---(scrape /metrics)---|  Prometheus  |
+----------+                     +-------------------+                        +--------------+

Additional containers

  • Grafana -- to explore results
  • Populator -- simple metrics generator


  • docker >= 20.10.0
  • docker-compose >= 1.27.0


docker-compose up --build