CS1_IAD Portfolio 3 Repo
This repository pertains towards the adherance of a Project Brief for CS1_IAD. Whereby the goal was to create a login system using php to communicate with a Database.
Any and all corresponding functionality can be found within these respective files, this is how I have it laid out on my local machine so if you were to build it for yourself, the layout would be the same.
To build and use this project to verify all of the functionality, it would be a case of running XAMPP through your own Database.
However, I used my Arch Linux side of my PC to make this project so assuming you want to follow my steps, this is what I did
update your repositories using sudo pacman -Syu
install httpd, php-apache, apache, php, phpMyAdmin and mariaDB
cd into /etc/httpd/conf
then run sudo YOUR_TEXT_EDITOR .
and navigate to the prepriatory httpd.conf
comment this line using # "#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/mod_mpm_event.so"
and uncomment this line "LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so"
to enable php, in the same file, add these indents to the end of the file
to setup phpMA, cd into /etc/httpd/conf/exta/phpmyadmin.conf
and add these lines as shown
last but not least, MariaDB
Before running the mariaDB service, run this command mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
The following will assume that you already have a working lib directory for your mySQL SSL connection. From there, it will create an arbitrary connection point
Now, in a similar vein to how you would setup MySQL, run the mariaDB service sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
create a new user using sudo mysql -u root
from there, run the following
and select Enter
for all of them
When prompted to make a new password, just set it to whatever, your username by default will be root
To test if everything is working, you can run the following command
which will show you a runtime showcase of your httpd SSL connection
If in doubt whereby you are experiencing issues running phpMA on localhost or through any SSL connection, make sure that you cd into /etc/php
and uncomment these lines:
this adds the necessary funcrtionality to the phpMA connection because it will assume by default that you dont have the necessary mysqli extensions
Should you need any and all help with installation, email me at 230315257@aston.ac.uk