RxOcaml is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. This library is an OCaml implementation of Rx Observables.
You will need the following libraries:
- OCaml >= 4.02.0
- dune >= 1.1.0
- Batteries >= 2.1.0
- Lwt >= 2.4.2
- OUnit >= 2.0.0 (to build and run the tests, optional)
- odoc >= 1.0.0 (to build the documentation, optional)
To build the library, run:
$ make
To install the library, run (as root, if your user doesn't have enough privileges):
$ make install
To build and run the tests, run:
$ make test
To generate the documentation, run:
$ make doc
Then you can browse the HTML documentation starting from
, but it's not installed by default.
To uninstall anything that was previously installed, run:
$ make uninstall
- Reactive Extensions on MSDN
- RxJava on github
- Introduction to Rx (an online book)