- Web Server: Apache using XAAMP.
- Database: MySQL using phpMyAdmin.
- Programming Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Libraries: jQuery (optional for enhanced UI interactions).
- Authentication: PHP sessions for user authentication.
- Validation: Server-side validation using PHP functions.
- Version Control: Git for version control.
- IDE: VS Code
- Database Management: phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench for managing databases.
- Web Browser: Modern web browsers for testing and debugging.
- Users can create accounts and log in using email and password.
- Secure password storage using hashing.
- Session management to maintain user authentication.
- Users can fill out and submit application forms with personal details and documents.
- Form validation to ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
- File upload functionality for documents like PDFs and images.
- with Regular Expression
function validatePhoneNumber($phone) {
return preg_match('/^\d{10}$/', $phone); // Validates a 10 digit number
- without Regular Expression
function validateEmail($email) {
return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
- Displaying the information of each registrated user.
- Code Obfuscation
- Anti-Debugging Techniques