PalBot is a discord bot written in NodeJS. It is aimed towards people who are hosting their own Palworld servers.
Latest update: reworked the RCON handling, reworked the rcon command (moved most of it into separate commands)
Newest feature: Whitelist
The bot will check every 5 minutes (changable in the index.js) if every user in the server is whitelisted.
The whitelist is disabled by default so if you want to change that, use the /whitelist
- Gives you basic informations about your Palworld server. Be aware though that the "current Players" is not always correct. Gamedig maybe fetches that wrong, not sure.
- A simple way of managing the people that should be allowed to use the RCON commands. This is made possible through discords role system.
- Let's you send messages to the server.
- Let's you save the server.
- Lets you turn off the server (with specific delay (seconds) and a text).
- Ability to enable/disable the whitelist.
- Gives you the option to add/remove users (steamId) from the whitelist.
- Displays a list of players, ther userId and their SteamId.
More commands are planned as soon as we get more informations on how the servers exactly work!
If you don't have an automatic startup script for your server, please be aware that there is no way to restart the server via the bot (for now)!
Go through the usual steps to create a bot over at and copy the token and then invite the bot to your server.
Or just clone the repo
Open the folder in your favorite code editor and then follow these quick steps:
npm install
- this will install all dependencies.
Now open the config.json
file and enter ALL the informations.
After that, you're basically good to go.
Just run the bot with node .
Example Config:
"token": "BOT_TOKEN",
"host": "SERVER_IP",
"port": 8211,
"rcon_port": 25575,
"rcon_password": "RCON_PASSWORD",
"rcon_role": "RCON_ROLE",
"whitelist_enabled": false
token: The token of your bot (get it from here host: Your server IP port: Your server port rcon_port: Your RCON port rcon_password: Your AdminPassword (check your server settings) rcon_role: The discord role (name) that should be allowed to use rcon commands whitelist_enabled: Enables/Disables the whitelist (you can always use /whitelist to change it)