
🌐 Convert your Laravel messages and consume them in the front-end!

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Laravel JS Localization - Convert you Laravel messages and use them in the front-end!

Laravel 5.5 Laravel 4.2 Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

This package convert all your localization messages from your Laravel app to JavaScript with a small library to interact with those messages following a very similar syntax you are familiar with.


  • Support Laravel 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
  • Includes Lang.js (a thin library highly inspired on Laravel's Translator class).
  • Allow to specify desired lang files to be converted to JS.
  • Lang.js API is based on Laravel's Translator class. No need to learn a whole API.

Webpack user? Try the new and shiny Laravel localization loader for Webpack!


composer require mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization

In your Laravel app go to config/app.php and add the following service provider:



The Laravel-JS-Localization package provides a command that generate the JavaScript version of all your messages found at: app/lang (Laravel 4) or resources/lang (Laravel 5) directory. The resulting JavaScript file will contain all your messages plus Lang.js (a thin library highly inspired on Laravel's Translator class).

Generating JS messages

php artisan lang:js

Specifying a custom target

php artisan lang:js public/assets/dist/lang.dist.js

Compressing the JS file

php artisan lang:js -c

Specifying a custom source folder

php artisan lang:js public/assets/dist/lang.dist.js -s themes/default/lang

Output a JSON file instead.

php artisan lang:js --json


First, publish the default package's configuration file running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mariuzzo\LaravelJsLocalization\LaravelJsLocalizationServiceProvider"

The configuration will be published to config/localization-js.php.

You may edit this file to define the messages you need in your Javascript code. Just edit the messages array in the config file. Empty messages array will include all the language files in build.

To make only pagination.php and validation.php files to be included in build process:


return [
    'messages' => [

Using gulp (optional)

Install gulp-shell and then run it directly in your gulpfile.js:

var shell = require('gulp-shell');

gulp.task('langjs', shell.task('php artisan lang:js -c public/js/messages.js'));

Using Laravel's elixir (optional)

Before Elixir 4.0:

elixir.extend('langjs', function(path) {
    gulp.task('langjs', function() {
        gulp.src('').pipe(shell('php artisan lang:js ' + (path || 'public/js/messages.js')));

    return this.queueTask('langjs');

Elixir 4.0+:

var Task = elixir.Task;
elixir.extend('langjs', function(path) {
    new Task('langjs', function() {
        gulp.src('').pipe(shell('php artisan lang:js ' + (path || 'public/js/messages.js')));

And use it like this:

elixir(function(mix) {

Using Laravel's Mix with Laravel 5.4+ (optional)

Add "webpack-shell-plugin" to package.json's "devDependencies" section.

Add the following to webpack.mix.js:

const WebpackShellPlugin = require('webpack-shell-plugin');

// Add shell command plugin configured to create JavaScript language file
        new WebpackShellPlugin({onBuildStart:['php artisan lang:js --quiet'], onBuildEnd:[]})


This is a quick documentation regarding Lang.js (the thin JavaScript library included by Laravel-JS-Localization). The Lang.js (a thin library highly inspired on Laravel's Translator class).

💁 Go to Lang.js documentation to see all available methods.

Getting a message


Getting a message with replacements

Lang.get('messages.welcome', { name: 'Joe' });

Changing the locale


Checking if a message key exists


Support for singular and plural message based on a count

Lang.choice('messages.apples', 10);

Calling the choice method with replacements

Lang.choice('messages.apples', 10, { name: 'Joe' });

💁 Go to Lang.js documentation to see all available methods.

Want to contribute?

  1. Fork this repository and clone it.
  2. Create a feature branch from develop: git checkout develop; git checkout -b feature-foo.
  3. Push your commits and create a pull request.


You will need to have installed the following softwares.

  • Composer.
  • PHP 5.5+.

Development setup

After getting all the required softwares you may run the following commands to get everything ready:

  1. Install PHP dependencies:

    composer install
  2. Install test dependencies:

    composer test-install

Now you are good to go! Happy coding!


This project uses PHPUnit. All tests are stored at tests directory. To run all tests type in your terminal:

composer test

Made with ❤️ by Rubens Mariuzzo.

MIT license