Ruboozie ======== A ruby library for Apache Oozie. Author ====== This was extracted from Full credit goes to @dguttman for most of the initial code in this project. Features ======= - tested against oozie 2.x from CDH3u3 - list jobs - query a specific job - submit a job [workflow/coordinator] - cancel, start, and otherwise modify a job - Real models for the classes, not just hashes. - hopefully sensible error messages [still needs work] Meh ====== - currently other params for job listing is not supported - some error messages don't come through properly in the response headers, so in that case it uses the response body [html], not ideal but better than nothing. Example ======= OozieApi.setup("http://localhost:11000/oozie") properties = {'' => 'matthew', '' => 'hdfs:///workflows/hello_world/workflow.xml'} job = OozieApi.submit_job(properties, :action => :start) puts puts job.status while !job.finished? job = job.reload #creates a new object sleep(1) end puts job.failed? ? "FAILED" : "COMPLETED" Copyright (c) 2010 @dguttman, @rathboma, released under the MIT license