A web system to simulate and control a small scale electricity market. Has front-ends for prosumers and market managers. Created for the course M7011E, Design of Dynamic Web Systems at Lulea University of Technology.
- NodeJS 10.16+
- MongoDB 4.2+
- (Optional) npm 6.9+
To run the tests and generate code coverage with Mocha and Instanbul, inside /app run
npm test
Place a file called '.env' in the /app directory with your MongoDB information as well as your session secret to use. Example:
DB_HOST=<host address>
DB_USER=<db username>
DB_PASS=<db password>
SESSION_SECRET=<express_session secret>
In the same directory, install all necessary dependencies:
npm install
To startup the server use the follwing command inside /app
npm start
This will start the database, API and server.
To start the app as a service on an OS that uses systemd, add the required information to the template m7011e.service, you might need to change the path where npm and the project is located.
# in m7011e.service
Environment=DB_HOST=<path to mongodb>
Environment=SESSION_SECRET=<session secret>
After that place the file at
Then reload the daemon and start the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start m7011e.service
If too much data is collected during a long period of time, queries will be quite slow. This is due to the collections in the database not being indexed. When querying for certain documents MongoDB will need to check all documents in the collection. To fix this add the following indexes in mongo:
$ mongo
use <db name>
db.prosumers.createIndex({ name: 1 })
db.prosumers.createIndex({ timestamp: -1 })
db.markets.createIndex({ name: 1 })
db.markets.createIndex({ timestamp: -1 })
db.weathers.createIndex({ name: 1 })
db.weathers.createIndex({ timestamp: -1 })
Group: rustislife
- Aron Strandberg - arostr-5@student.ltu.se - bugmana
- Mark Hakansson - marhak-6@student.ltu.se - markhakansson
Pictures: Green Grass by Jahoo Clouseau
Videos: Windfarming Wonder shot in Lal Lal, Australia by Andrew Thomas
Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.