A cold, dark color scheme for Neovim written in Lua ported from moonlight.nvim theme.
- Supports the latest Neovim
features like TreeSitter and LSP - Terminal colors inside Neovim
- Color themes for terminals:
- TreeSitter
- LSP Diagnostics
- LSP Trouble
- LSP Saga
- Git Signs
- Telescope
- NvimTree
- WhichKey
- Indent Blankline
- BufferLine
- vim-sneak
- nvim-cmp
- mini.nvim
- Neovim >= 0.5.1
Install the theme with your preferred package manager:
Plug 'astridlyre/moonlight.nvim'
use 'astridlyre/moonlight.nvim'
Enable the colorscheme:
-- Lua
vim.cmd [[colorscheme moonlight]]
" Vim Script
colorscheme moonlight
Configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with
colorscheme moonlight
Option | Default | Description |
moonlight_italic_comments | true |
Make comments italic |
moonlight_italic_keywords | false |
Make keywords italic |
moonlight_italic_booleans | false |
Make booleans italic |
moonlight_italic_functions | false |
Make functions italic |
moonlight_italic_variables | false |
Make variables italic |
moonlight_transparent | false |
Disable background color |
moonlight_variant | default |
Colorscheme variant |
-- Example config in lua
vim.g.moonlight_italic_functions = true
-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd [[colorscheme moonlight]]
" Example config in Vim Script
let g:moonlight_italic_functions = 1
" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme moonlight
- Alacritty color theme:
- The original authors of the excellent vim-moonlight theme.
- Lua plugin derived from neon and influenced by tokyonight.nvim.
- Gnome terminal, Konsole and iTerm2 colors exported from terminal.sexy.