This is a simple React app starter, using Parcel as a bundler. I couldn't find the perfect starter, so I made this one. It also features Jest and Testing Library for testing, which was a little tricky to get working with Parcel.
Simply clone the repo and get to work:
# clone the repo
git clone '' .
# remove the old git repo
rm -rf .git
# initialize a new one
git init
# install packages
pnpm install
- React
- Jest
, along with a minimal modern CSS reset- Support for CSS modules
- Parcel
- Testing library
# Run Development Environment
pnpm run dev
# Build for Production
pnpm run build
# Test
pnpm run test
Note, Hot Module Reload is currently broken in Parcel when using CSS modules. Until fixed upstream, the following lines can be changed in 'HMRServer.js':
// line 103 in node_modules/@parcel/reporter-dev-server/src/HMRServer.js
if (assert.type !== 'js' && assert.type !== 'css') {
// line 104 in node_modules/@parcel/reporter-dev-server/lib/HMRServer.js
if (assert.type !== 'js' && assert.type !== 'css') {