
A Julia package for interfacing with GitHub

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


A Julia package targeting the GitHub API (v3)

Build Status

Quick start

julia> Pkg.add("GitHub")

julia> using GitHub

julia> my_auth = authenticate("an_access_token_for_your_account")
GitHub Authorization (8caaff**********************************)

julia> star("WestleyArgentum", "GitHub.jl"; auth = my_auth)  # :)

julia> stargazers("WestleyArgentum", "GitHub.jl")



All API methods accept a named parameter auth of type GitHub.Authorization. By default, this parameter will be an instance of AnonymousAuth, and the API request will be made without any privileges.

If you would like to make requests as an authorized user, you need to authenticate.



The User type is used to represent GitHub accounts. It contains lots of interesting information about an account, and can be used in other API requests.

user(username; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • username is the GitHub login
  • if you provide auth potentially much more user information will be returned
  • user is either a GitHub login or User type
  • the returned data will be an array of User types


Organizations let multiple users manage repositories together.

org(name; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • name is the GitHub organization login name
orgs(user::String; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • user is the GitHub account about which you are curious


The Repo type is used to represent a repository hosted by GitHub. It contains all sorts of useful information about a repositories usage and history.

repo(owner, repo_name; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is the GitHub login of the User or Organization that manages the repo
  • repo_name is the repositories name on GitHub


Repository statistics are interesting bits of information about activity. GitHub caches this data when possible, but sometimes a request will trigger regeneration and come back empty. For this reason all statistics functions have an argument attempts which will be the number of tries made before admitting defeat.

contributors(owner, repo, attempts = 3; auth = AnonymousAuth())
commit_activity(owner, repo, attempts = 3; auth = AnonymousAuth())
code_frequency(owner, repo, attempts = 3; auth = AnonymousAuth())
participation(owner, repo, attempts = 3; auth = AnonymousAuth())
punch_card(owner, repo, attempts = 3; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login
  • repo is a repository name
  • attempts is the number of tries made before admitting defeat


forks(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
fork(owner, repo, organization = ""; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login
  • repo is a repository name


stargazers(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
starred(user; auth = AnonymousAuth())
star(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
unstar(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login
  • repo is a repository name
  • user is a GitHub login


watchers(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
watched(user; auth = AnonymousAuth())
watching(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
watch(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
unwatch(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login
  • repo is a repository name
  • user is a GitHub login


Collaborators are users that work together and share access to a repository.

collaborators(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth())
iscollaborator(owner, repo, user; auth = AnonymousAuth())
add_collaborator(owner, repo, user; auth = AnonymousAuth()
remove_collaborator(owner, repo, user; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login
  • repo is a repository name
  • user is the GitHub login being inspected, added, or removed


The Issue type is used to represent issues and pull requests made against repositories.

issue(owner, repo, num; auth = AnonymousAuth())
  • owner is a GitHub login or User type
  • repo is the name of a repository
  • num is the issue numer
issues(owner, repo; auth = AnonymousAuth(),
                    milestone = nothing,
                    state = nothing,
                    assignee = nothing,
                    creator = nothing,
                    mentioned = nothing,
                    labels = nothing,
                    sort = nothing,
                    direction = nothing,
                    since = nothing)
  • owner is a GitHub login or User type
  • repo is a repository name
  • milestone can be an int or string ("*" matches all milestones, "none" returns issues with no milestone)
  • state can be "open" or "closed"
  • assignee can be the name of a user ("*" matches all users, "none" returns issues with no assignee)
  • creator can be the user that created the issue
  • mentioned is for any user mentioned in the issue
  • labels is an array of lables to match
  • sort can be "created", "updated", or "comments" (defaults to "created")
  • direction can be "asc" or "desc" (defaults to "desc")
  • since can be an ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) string
create_issue(owner, repo, title; auth = AnonymousAuth(),
                                 body = nothing,
                                 assignee = nothing,
                                 milestone = nothing,
                                 labels = nothing)
  • owner is a GitHub login or User type
  • repo is a repository name
  • title is the title of your new issue
  • body can be a text description of your issue
  • assignee is a GitHub login
  • milestone is the milestone number
  • labels is an array of label strings
edit_issue(owner, repo, num; auth = AnonymousAuth(),
                             title = nothing,
                             body = nothing,
                             assignee = nothing,
                             state = nothing,
                             milestone = nothing,
                             labels = nothing)
  • owner is a GitHub login or User type
  • repo is a repository name
  • num is the issue number
  • title can be a new title for the issue
  • body can be a new body for the issue
  • assignee can be the new assignee
  • state can be "open" or "closed"
  • milestone can be the milestone number
  • labels can be an array of label strings