
This repo contains a software project that is meant for AMD OSX running on G-series processors.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

   _____                     ____                            
  / ___/____  ___  ___  ____/ / /_____  ___  ____  ___  _____
  \__ \/ __ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __  / //_/ _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/
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/____/ .___/\___/\___/\__,_/_/|_|\___/\___/ .___/\___/_/     
    /_/                                  /_/                 


This project has been archived. A new better fix has been introduced. Thanks to Shaneee, now you can just use OpenCore >=0.8.7 and the audio will function perfectly fine.

Original README

This software project is a small application that helps with the issue of audio drift issue on G-series processors running macOS using AMD-OSX/AMD_Vanilla patches.

This is a small tray application that sits in your status bar with its heart broken that you're struggling with this issue :C

Speedkeeper Tray Application

Try it yourself!

Find your way to the Releases page, there you can find the latest version of the application and installation instructions.

You might ask me, why is the application so large? It's Electron (a Node.js framework) :C
I did try it in C++, but I could not cause the same effect. It seems that for one the overhead of a high level language caused some usefulness!

As I have only seen from my eyes that this helps, and some other lovely people also sent me a message or two that this has helped, I would love to hear your feedback about this if it has worked ^^

How does this application help?

Well, the issue seems to be a relation of clock speed of the CPU and the clock of the OS. When the processor is not busy enough, the clock speed drops, and that makes the OS de-sync with the CPU, sound is very much dependent on timing, and even the clock in the status bar knows to lag behind.

So this app is just meant to keep the CPU busy enough to make general usage much more bearable. I used the logic that is inside this application for more than a year using this, and I've had a lot of work done successfully, whilst listening to music all the time.

This application is pretty much doing "1 + 1" calculation all the time in the background. That action is quite enough to keep the CPU busy, and it does not interact with IO to block anything. It is placed in the foreground, as all my experiments to run this application in the background get stumped by macOS, where it just slows the process down a lot when it is not in the foreground (so for me, it ran all the time in an open terminal window). Now I've made it into a user-friendly small application that anyone can copy into /Applications, add to the list of Login Items, and start and stop.

This really is not a full solution - this is a much deeper issue that I don't have too much time to explore. This does not sync up the clocks by any standard means, it just makes the CPU & OS more likely to be in-sync, and the experience of using the OS more smooth and sound less garbled.


If you want wish to do some modifications on my code, here are some instructions! So, you just need node. That one is really easy to install (if you already have brew):

brew install node

Clone the project with git:

git clone https://github.com/Astrihale/speedkeeper

After that, you will need to download dependencies:

npm install

When that is done, you can edit the project, when you apply some changes, test the application with:

npm run dev

This can even stay running, and it will restart the application everytime you save a file with new changes! (People call this LiveReload) When you're done developing, you can generate a .app file for yourself by doing:

npm run package

This will generate a folder named speedkeeper-darwin-x64, and inside it is your generated application! Now you can use it and test it!


If you wish to contribute to this project, feel free to report issues, create your forks and open some pull requests! I have automated the process of release creation, so you don't need to worry about that, just watch out for my review of your pull request, as I do require those!