Guide to Install Ubuntu desktop 13.04 on Nexus 7 2012(grouper) and Ubuntu touch 15.04 on Nexus 7 2013(flo,deb)
Updated : 2018/04/16
- An Ubuntu machine
- Micro usb cable
- Nexus 7 2012 (wifi - grouper)
- Fastboot and ADB
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
- raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.bootimg and raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz from
- extract the "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz" .Rename file "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.raw" to "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7img".
- A Windows machine
- Micro usb cable
- Nexus 7 2012 ver 1st gen nakasi(wifi - grouper)
- Fastboot , ADB driver ,Android SDK
- raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.bootimg and raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz from
- extract the "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz" .Rename file "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.raw" to "raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7img".
- Completely turn off the device
- Hold volume down button and press power button until screen light up
- release power button
- release volume down button after enter bootloader menu
- Connect nexus to PC via USB cable
- Ubuntu
$ fastboot oem unlock
- Windows
$ cd to-where-your-fastboot-file
$ fastboot oem unlock
- Ubuntu and Windows
$ fastboot erase boot
$ fastboot erase userdata
$ fastboot flash boot raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.bootimg
$ fastboot flash userdata raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img
$ fastboot reboot
- in nexus7 , open file /etc/apt/sources.list in gedit
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
- replace "raring" with "trusty" , and "http://ports." with "http://old-releases.ports."
- save the file
- run
$ sudo apt-get update
- now you can install new software with "sudo apt-get install <package_name>"
*Warning : do notrun apt-get upgrade
orapt-get dist-upgrade
.Upgrade will brake wireless and graphic driver.
*Any sources newer than 14.04 will not work
- An Ubuntu machine
- Micro usb cable
- Nexus 7 2013(wifi-flo or lte-deb)
- Fastboot and ADB
sudo apt update
sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
- ubuntu-device-flash and phablet-tools packages
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools
*To install ubuntu-device-flash,you need to enable universe archive. open /etc/apt/sources.list and delete the '#' at the beginning of the line
deb xyz universe
deb-src xyz universe
deb xyz-updates universe
deb-src xyz-updates universe
*xyz is your ubuntu codename
*if phablet-tools cannot be found you can use the deb file in this repo.
- Completely turn off the device
- Hold volume down button and press power button until screen light up
- release power button
- release volume down button after enter bootloader menu
- Connect nexus to PC via USB cable
- run
$ fastboot oem unlock
- for wifi(flo) version
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash --server= touch --channel=ubports-touch/15.04/devel --device=flo --bootstrap --wipe
- for lte(deb) version
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash --server= touch --channel=ubports-touch/15.04/devel --device=deb --bootstrap --wipe
*devel channel can be replace with stable or rc
In Ubuntu pc
$ phablet-config writable-image
*Warning: Switching a device to read-write mode (and/or recovering from it) is an advanced feature and may result in complete data loss.It also disables automatic over-the-air delta updates. Accepting a full over-the-air update after making a device writable may undo changes you have made. -
You can disable read-write and restore automatic over-the-air updates:
$ adb shell rm /userdata/.writable_image