1. Adapt the extracted spectrum for MOLECFIT and output WAVE_INCLUDE.fits, for instance:

python3 CRIRESadaptData4Molecfit.py obs/cr2res_obs_nodding_extractedA.fits obs/Pi2Ori-210220-K2217.fits

  1. Make sure that model.sof, calctrans.sof, and model.sof files are correct (right SCIENCE file)

  2. run molecfit.sh

If you want to plot the result from molecfit_model:

from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
hd = fits.open(f)
for i in range(len(hd)-1):
	ii = np.argsort(hd[1].data['lambda'])
	plt.plot(hd[i+1].data['lambda'][ii], hd[i+1].data['mflux'][ii], color="C0", linewidth=2)
	plt.plot(hd[i+1].data['lambda'][ii], hd[i+1].data['flux'][ii], color="C1", linewidth=1)
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [nm]")
plt.ylabel("Normalized flux")