
a web (interface | service) for viewing collectd statistics

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visage is a web interface for viewing collectd statistics.

It also provides a JSON interface onto collectd's RRD data. giving you an easy way to mash up the data.


Freeze in dependencies:

$ rake deps

This will pull in RubyRRDtool, which requires the rrdtool headers to build a C extension. On Ubuntu these are in the librrd2-dev package.


Config lives in config.yaml. You may want to customise the plugins displayed in the profiles list. The default works for my laptop, but your production servers are going to be quite different. :-)

You should be able to deduce the config format from the existing file (it's simple nested key-value data).

Make sure collectd's RRD directory is readable by whatever user the web server is running as. You can tell Visage where collectd's rrd directory is in config.yaml, with the rrddir key.


For development:

$ gem install shotgun
$ shotgun sinatra-collectd.rb


With Passenger, create an Apache vhost with the DocumentRoot set to the public/ directory of where you have deployed the checked out code, e.g.

<VirtualHost *>
  ServerName visage.example.org
  ServerAdmin contact@visage.example.org

  DocumentRoot /srv/www/visage.example.org/root/public/

  <Directory "/srv/www/visage.example.org/root/public/">
     Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
     AllowOverride None
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all 

   ErrorLog /srv/www/visage.example.org/log/apache_errors_log
   CustomLog /srv/www/visage.example.org/log/apache_app_log combined


This assumes you have a checkout of the code at /srv/www/visage.example.org/root.

If you don't want to use Apache + Passenger, you can install the thin or mongrel gems and run up a web server yourself.


Run all cucumber features:

$ rake cucumber 

Specific features:

$ bin/cucumber --require features/ features/something.feature


  • create proper mootools class - DONE
  • switch to g.raphael - DONE
  • config file - DONE
  • data profiles - DONE
  • handle single plugin instance in graphing code - DONE
  • specify data url in graphing code - DONE
  • generate holders for graph/labels/time selector - DONE
  • axis labels (with human readable times)
  • zoom + dynamic resize - DONE
  • combine graphs from different hosts
  • comment on time periods
  • view list of comments