Openpay iOS

iOS swift library for tokenizing credit/debit card and collect device information

Current version: v2.0.0

Looking for Objective-C Version? Checkout: (

Please refer to the following documentation sections for field documentation:


  • iOS SDK 10.3+
  • ARC
  • WebKit.framework


  • Download the latest released version (
  • Add openpay framework (openpay-v2.0.0.framework) to General -> Linked Framework and Libraries.
  • Add openpay framework (openpay-v2.0.0.framework) to General -> Embeded Binaries.
  • Add webkit framework to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.


import Openpay

Create a instance object

For create an instance Openpay needs:

  • MerchantId
  • Public API Key
let openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: "Your Merchant ID",
							   andApiKey: "Your Private Key",
						isProductionMode: false,
						         isDebug: false)

Production Mode

Use isProductionMode = true

let openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: "Your Merchant ID",
							   andApiKey: "Your Private Key",
						isProductionMode: true,
						         isDebug: false)

Create a SessionID

The framework contains a function for generate a device sessionID. The following parameters are required: -Function to call when SessionID is generated -Function to call when error occurs

let openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: "Your Merchant ID",
							   andApiKey: "Your Private Key",
						isProductionMode: true,
						         isDebug: false)

openpay.createDeviceSessionId(successFunction: successSessionID,
							  failureFunction: failSessionID)

Display Card Form

The framework contains a form for the user directly capture his card's minimum required data. For display the form you need to pass the following parameters: -Current UIViewController -Function to call when capture ends -Function to call when error occurs -The title to display at the top of form

openpay.loadCardForm(in: self,
		successFunction: successCard,
		failureFunction: failCard,
			  formTitle: "Openpay")

Create a token

For more information about how to create a token, please refer to [Create a token] (

With only required fields captured by the user
let openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: "Your Merchant ID",
							   andApiKey: "Your Private Key",
						isProductionMode: true,
						         isDebug: false)

openpay.loadCardForm(in: self,
		successFunction: successCard,
		failureFunction: failCard,
			  formTitle: "Openpay")

openpay.createTokenWithCard(address: nil,
					successFunction: successToken,
					failureFunction: failToken)

If the request is correct, return an instance of OPToken.