A cosmology package for Python.
For documentation and installation instructions, see http://roban.github.com/CosmoloPy/
CosmoloPy is released under the MIT software liscense (see LISCENSE).
Calculate the comoving distance to redshift 6.
>>> import cosmolopy.distance as cd >>> cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':0.72} >>> d_co = cd.comoving_distance(6., **cosmo) >>> print "Comoving distance to z=6 is %.1f Mpc" % (d_co) Comoving distance to z=6 is 8017.8 Mpc
Python NumPy SciPy
- For tests (optional):
- nose matplotlib
- For power spectrum calculation (needed for most of perturbation module):
- python-dev
You can easily install the package directly from the Python Package Index with pip.
Run with:
> pip install cosmolopy
To install from source, you first need to install SWIG v3 or later. Then, download the CosmoloPy source and install it by running (in CosmoloPy folder)
> pip install .
Note that currently the _udot integration appears to be failing in nosetests. The prefered way to run all tests is:
> python setup.py nosetests --with-doctest
Or if you don't want to run the doctests:
> python setup.py nosetests
If you don't have nose:
> python setup.py test > python -m doctest cosmolopy/*.py
- Python 3 implementation by @JohannesBuchner and @1313e
- Automated PyPI deployment on GitHub Actions by @1313e