A free and open-source IDL®/PV-WAVE compiler

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

                    GDL - GNU Data Language

A free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler
(capable of running programs written in IDL/GDL).
IDL is a registered trademark of ITT Visual Information Solutions 
(see: http://www.ittvis.com).




Full syntax compatibility with IDL up to version 7.1 (for 8.0 and later see below).

All IDL language elements up to IDL version 7.1 are supported, including:

Pointer, objects, structs,
arrays, system variables,
common blocks, assoc variables,
all operators, all datatypes,
_EXTRA, _STRICT_EXTRA and _REF_EXTRA keywords...

GDL provides all of the GUI support (widgets) of IDL (see below). 

Supported IDL 8.0 language elements:

negative array indices
garbage collection pointers and objects
call methods on an object using "." (e. g. object.aMemberProcedure,arg1)
empty arrays and !NULL system variable
automatic promotion of FOR loop variable types
LIST and HASH types

Not yet supported:
simplified property access on objects (e. g. object.aProperty = value & print,object.aProperty)

In general GDL should run correctly an IDL procedure, even one from the /lib folder of an IDL distro
(note that most of theses procedures have not yet been rewritten for GDL, help is welcome.).

The file input output system is fully implemented including full support of

netCDF files are fully supported.
HDF4 files are supported.
Basic support for HDF5 files.

DICOM files are supported via the GDLffDICOM object (http://idl.barnett.id.au/idl-projects)
(files in the src/pro/dicom subdirectory).

Overall more than 400 library routines are implemented.
For a list enter HELP,/LIB at the command prompt and look for
library routines written in GDL in the src/pro subdirectory.

Graphical output is almost completely implemented (no object-graphics). 
WDELETE, SET_PLOT, WSET, TVLCT, LOADCT) are working (most keywords,
!P system variable tags and multi-plots are supported) for X windows,
z-buffer and postscript output.

GDL has an interface to python.
Python can be embedded into GDL and GDL can be compiled as a
python module. See the file PYTHON.txt for details.

For the thread pool OpenMP is utilized if the compiler supports it.


In short:
Mandatory libraries:
plplot      http://plplot.sourceforge.net/source/index.html
gsl         http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl
readline    http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-4.3.tar.gz
zlib        http://www.zlib.net/

Optional libraries:
Eigen       http://eigen.tuxfamily.org
ImageMagick http://www.imagemagick.org/www/download.html
netCDF *)   ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf
HDF4 *)     ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/HDF/HDF_Current
HDF5        ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/HDF5/current
FFTW        http://www.fftw.org/download.html
python      http://www.python.org
libproj4    (consult the MAP_INSTALL file)
UDUNITS-2   http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/
GRIB API    http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/software/grib_api.html        
GSHHS       (consult the MAP_INSTALL file)
wxWidgets   http://www.wxwidgets.org/
pslib       http://pslib.sourceforge.net/

Only with python:
numpy          http://numpy.scipy.org/

*) please see below for potential problems using netCDF and HDF4

NOTE: If you install the libraries as precompiled
packages rather than compiling them from sources, please note that
depending on your distribution, you may need development packages
as well. Examples are (for Fedora):

Since version 0.9 GDL compiles Craig Markwardt's CMSVLIB.
If installed, the SAVE and RESTORE commands (data only) are
available through wrapper routines. You get CMSVLIB here: 
You must add yourself the CMSVLIB path in the GDL_PATH.
CMSVLIB provides a test suite: please run CMSV_TEST.

At least g++ 3.2 (or a similar C++ standard conforming
compiler) is needed for compiling GDL.
Note that due to problems with static casts g++ 3.3.1
does NOT compile GDL, but 3.3.2 and 3.4.1 work fine again.
GDL compiles under Mac OS X (10.2, 10.3) with g++ 3.3 . 

The GNU readline library 4.3 is needed (actually GDL should compile
without, but its very inconvenient to use that way, furthermore
proper event handling for graphic windows requires readline).
You can get it at:

For the graphics support of GDL, the plplot library version 5.9
is necessary. PLplot >= 5.9.9 is recommended, but plplot > 10 is tricky (see below).
See below if you have an older version of plplot.
To download plplot please look here:

If you have plplot older than 5.9.6 use the configure
option --enable-oldplplot (configure) or -DOLDPLPLOT=on (CMake)
With this option, plplot down to 5.9 should work.
A possible problem was reported:
On opening more than one window, plplot causes a segmentation fault
if GDL is compiled with ImageMagick. This happens if plplot uses 
dynamic drivers.
The current solution is to disable dynamic drivers for plplot
(-DENABLE_DYNDRIVERS=OFF option for cmake).
Current ubuntu/debian distributions are using dynamic drivers, so plplot
needs to be compiled from source there. Disabling dyndrivers apparently is not necessary anymore.

plplot > 5.11 needs absolutely to be compiled with its "old" wxWidgets driver,
using the Cmake switch -DOLD_WXWIDGETS:BOOL=ON . Otherwise the WIDGET_DRAW and possibly the graphics window *will not work*.
Plplot is not flexible enough to provide both drivers, and the new driver insists on making its own windows!
Distributions that provide plplot and plplot-devel have probably not used -DOLD_WXWIDGETS:BOOL=ON
so you'll need to compile plplot yourself with this option
(and the options -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE='-O3' for efficiency), install it somewhere
(so add also the with option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="somewhere"), and provide -DPLPLOTDIR="somewhere" while cmaking GDL.

Furthermore you need the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).
Please see file HACKING if you want to write functions extending GDL (i. e.
add a library subroutine) which use GSL for proper handling of GSL
obects in GDL.
(Minimal version is 1.7, which is now checked via "gsl.m4".
Note that version 1.1.1 was reported to NOT work with GDL)
You find it at:

The Eigen library version 3.1 or later is highly recommended for a performance
boost, expecially on multi-cores. To be found at: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org

GDL supports GUI (widget) programming (initial effort by Joel Gales rewritten by Gilles Duvert)
using the wxWidgets library. It is required by default.
If you don't want to use it, use
--with-wxWidgets=no (configure) or -DWXWIDGETS=off (CMake)
wxWidgets can be obtained from:

The wxWidget version must be 2.8.1 or higher. Unfortunately the wxWidget implementation of the plplot graphic library
has changed between plplot 5.9.9 and plplot 5.11, and there are incompatibilities between plplot versions ans wxWidget versions.
Stable behaviour has been obtained with plplot 5.9.9 and wxWidgets 2.8.  

The WIDGET_*... functions are all implemented (use HELP,/LIB for an overview). Only a few
rarely seen options have not been written yet (please report in case of need). They have
not been tested outside the linux "mageia" distribution yet, so errors and crashes are possible.
Most procedures using widgets available (e.g., in the astrolib library) use so-called
"compound widgets" (CW_xxxxx functions that are written in IDL, like CW_FIELD). Those have not
been rewritten in GDL (and some have not been thoroughly tested). Those are not present
in the GDL distribution (copyright issues), must be obtained separately (google is your friend) and put
in the GDL path before use.

HDF4 Files:
The HDF4 format is (not completely yet) supported (thanks to Joel Gales).
If you want to use it, you need the HDF library (here HDF
always means version 4).
Note that if you plan to use netCDF also, it might be necessary to
install HDF4 before netCDF due to same named but different header
files which are overwritten by the HDF4 version otherwise.
HDF4 is required by default. If you don't want to use it, use 
--with-hdf=no (configure) or -DHDF=off (CMake)
Note that HDF in turn needs other libraries. Check out the
homepage for more information:
The HDF library can be downloaded from:

Basic support for HDF5 is now provided (thanks to Peter Messmer).
If you want to use it, you need the HDF5 library.
It is required by default. If you don't want to use it, use 
--with-hdf5=no (configure) or -DHDF5=off (CMake)
Note that HDF5 in turn needs other libraries. Check out the
homepage for more information:
The HDF5 library can be downloaded from:

The netCDF format is fully supported (thanks to Christopher Lee). If
you want to use netCDF, you need the netCDF library (even if HDF4 is
used, the netCDF library is needed, as the HDF library does not
contain all needed netCDF functions. Note that it might be necessary
to install netCDF after HDF4 due to same named, but different header
files. If the header files of HDF4 and netCDF are in different directories 
make sure, that the directory containing netCDF's version gets searched first,
ie. put an explicit path for netCDF even if it is in the default include path,
eg: --with-netcdf=/usr (configure) or -DNETCDFDIR=/usr (CMake)) 
netCDF is used by default. If you don't want to use it, use 
--with-netcdf=no (configure) or -DNETCDF=off (CMake)
as a command line option to 'configure'.
netCDF is available from:

From the HDF4 INSTALL file:
   To use the HDF/MFHDF libraries (libdf.a, libmfhdf.a) with the original
   netCDF library (libnetcdf.a), the HDF4 distribution must be configured 
   with the --disable-netcdf configuration flag.  This will rename the HDF 
   version of the C interface (ncxxx) of the HDF4 netCDF APIs to sd_ncxxx 
   and will disable the HDF4 NC Fortran interfaces to avoid name clashes 
   with the original netCDF C and Fortran APIs from libnetcdf.a.  

In order to read and write images in several formats
(e.g. JPEG, PNG), GDL uses ImageMagick.
It is required by default. If you don't want to use it, use 
ImageMagick can be obtained from:

The FFTW library is (optionally) used for the FFT function.
It is available at: http://www.fftw.org/download.html
It is NOT used by default.
If you want to use it, use --with-fftw=DIR 
as a command line option to 'configure', where DIR denotes the
directory into which FFTW was installed
('/lib' is appended for the library, '/include' for the include files).
Using FFTW results in an about double as fast FFT function.
Take care that you have to compile the "normal" and the "single"
version of the library (resp. libfftw3.a and libfftw3f.a).
First one is the default. You have to activate the single flag
(./configure --enable-single) when recompiling FFTw3.
Please also notice that the test when runnig GDL configure
"checking for fftw_malloc in -lfftw3... yes"
will failed if libfftw3f.a is missing.
As mentionned in the log. of ./configure,
if FFTw is not used, the default (GSL) fft routine is used instead.

GDL contains now a complete support to MAP projection,
using the proj4 or libproj library. Please see MAP_INSTALL file.
It is NOT used by default.
If you want to use it, use --with-libproj4=DIR

GDL has an interface to python (see http://www.python.org). 
GDL can be used as a python module and python can be used from
within GDL. See INSTALL for details on how to build each version.
As so far there are only two example GDL extensions written in python its
use is optional for now but required by default. If you don't want to use
it, use  
as a command line option to 'configure'.
If you want to use it you need python and the python package Numpy.
The GDL configure script will determine the installed python version
automatically. For this the python executable must be installed.
The python version can be explictely set with 
--enable-python_version=VERSION# (eg. --enable-python_version=2.3).
Note: For embedding python as it is done by GDL, the python dynamic
library is needed which is *not* build by default. You need to run
'configure' for python with the '--enable-shared' option. Please see
the python README file for details.
For nice graphical output the python package matplotlib
(http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net) is used in one of the examples.
See the file PYTHON.txt for more details.

GDL supports unit converion in IMSL_CONSTANT using the UDUNITS-2
library (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/)
If you want to use it, use --with-udunits=DIR

GDL supports the GRIB file format - see README_GRIB (optional)

GDL uses GSHHS to implement MAP_CONTINENTS - see MAP_INSTALL (optional)

GDL uses pslib for fine-tuning PostScript output. (optional)

GDL uses Eigen for fast matrix multiplication. (optional)
The simpliest way to compile with it is to copy all the header files
under sub-directory src/Eigen. Another solution is to provide full path
to the include files (e.g. --with-eigen=/home/toto/Eigen3.1.4/include/eigen3/
in that case Eigen would have been prepared using:
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/toto/Eigen3.1.4/ )

GDL 0.9 was developed using ANTLR 2.7,   
but unless you want to change the grammar (*.g files) you don't need
ANTLR (for building GDL). All relevant ANTLR files are included in the package.
For editing however, there are several antlr-grammar (*.g) files among the
sources. ANTLR generates from this grammar-files c++ source files.
ANTLR generated files should not be changed directly as the changes
would be undone if someone regenerates those files. Instead the relevant
grammar file (mentioned in the header of the generated file) must be edited
and run through ANTLR. All source files generated by ANTLR start with a capital
character. All regular source files start with a small character.
For more information on ANTRL see: http://www.antlr.org

GDL is currently developed using KDevelop 3.5.5 under the GNU/Linux
distribution Kubuntu. The KDevelop project file
is included in the tarball, so if you have KDevelop you should be able
to use it with GDL seamlessly.


Please see the INSTALL file for details.
For an alternative installation using CMake see INSATLL.CMake .

For french readers, please have a look to
which explain how to install GDL and most libraries
from scratch and without being root.


GDL 0.9 is actively developed, but due to the vast amount of subroutines
to implement still in beta state as of December 2010.
Even though it can already be used for several tasks, there are many
things to be done.
Bug reports, feedback in general and interested people who would
like to join this project are welcome.
Extensions to GDL can be made in C++, GDL or python.
Urgent things to do are:
Library functions and procedures,
Porting GDL to other platforms,
Completing the graphical output system,
Testing and test routines written in GDL,
Implementing GUI library functions.


please see file HACKING for details.
There you find also information about LINKIMAGE.


Comments are welcome. Let me know what you use GDL for. Or if you don't,
why not. Which functionality are you missing/would appreciate most for
comming versions.

Please use for bug reports, complaints, suggestions and comments
the trackers on the project summary page


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

(It should be included in this package in the file COPYING )