- 0
Investigate test_median_clean failures
#86 opened by saimn - 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#78 opened by TrystanScottLambert - 0
CR masking when very long tails
#77 opened by vpicouet - 6
Build failing
#75 opened by juliotux - 2
Image gain restoration
#73 opened by ysBach - 0
Test failure on Debian architecture mipsel
#71 opened by olebole - 1
MNT: Rename default branch from master to main
#61 opened by pllim - 5
New release needed
#67 opened by astrofrog - 2
Deprecation warning
#51 opened by simontorres - 7 from astropy-headers distributed with tarball needs to be updated
#50 opened by JohnPritchard - 11
Unable to install astroscrappy with pip-install
#55 opened by fdeluise - 1
Failed building wheel for astroscrappy
#65 opened by navaneethnpk - 0
Counts subtracted across whole image
#64 opened by dkrolikowski - 8
Coverage report is incorrect
#30 opened by astrofrog - 1
Document build procedure on Windows + python 2.7
#13 opened by mwcraig - 1
Enable AppVeyor?
#23 opened by astrofrog - 17
Travis Fails to build Astroscrappy
#39 opened by simontorres - 15
- 0
Infrastructure updates notice from Astropy Project
#42 opened by pllim - 2
Unable to install astroscrappy with pip-install
#45 opened by jbcurtin - 6
Needs documentation
#4 opened by eteq - 6
cosmic rays at image edges
#12 opened by crawfordsm - 2
- 5
- 1
- 1
Astropy Affiliated Package Review
#33 opened by astrofrog - 5
Conda issue during numpy 1.11 update
#15 opened by MSeifert04 - 5
- 1
Missing testrunner in travis build
#3 opened by cmccully