- aragilarAAO, Macquarie University
- barentsenNASA
- batermjMETA4ALL
- bhayden53
- BrunoSanchezCPPM - CNRS
- cdeilHeidelbergCement
- collioudFrance
- DanielLenzMercedes-Benz Group AG
- dr-guangtouTsinghua University
- drsophiemurray@TCDSolar
- e-kochCenter for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
- fzh3gNanjing University
- GabrielaCREuropean Southern Observatory, Germany
- gullyUT Austin Astronomy
- jmccormac01University of Warwick
- jngaravitoc@flatironinstitute
- jwoillezEuropean Southern Observatory
- keflavichUniversity of Florida
- KelSolaarPrincipal Pipeline Programmer @ Epic Games
- kreardonNSO
- lgbouma
- liweitianuxShanghai, China
- lmannering
- lzivadinovicEvotec International GmbH
- martinberoizLIGO Lab - Caltech
- mhardcastleUniversity of Hertfordshire
- MickaelRigaultIN2P3 | CNRS
- MSeifert04
- piyanatkUniversity of the Western Cape
- rcamuccioCenter for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- Russell-Jones-OxPhysUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics
- saimnInstitut de Physique des 2 Infinis (IP2I, CNRS)
- samverstockenONTOFORCE
- shreyasbapatTekion Corp
- wtbarnesAmerican University