
An extension pack to maintain mandatory vscode extensions

MIT LicenseMIT

VSCode Extensions I use

An extension pack to maintain mandatory vscode extensions I use.

Extensions included

Better Comments
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets
GitLens - Git supercharged
Prettier - Code formatter
Auto Complete Tag
Live Share Extension Pack
Color Highlight
Svg Preview
Tabnine AI Autocomplete for Javascript, Python, Typescript, PHP, Go, Java, Ruby & more
React code snippets
Markdown All in One
Better TOML

Building Extension

  1. update package.json as needed
  2. Install packages: yarn install
  3. Package extension: yarn package
  4. Circluate *.vsix file to anyone who needs it
  5. Press CTRL + SHIFT + P, to open the command palette
  6. Type vsix, to find the command to install a local extension
  7. Locate your *.vsix file in the root of this repo and select it
  8. Verify extension loaded by going to your list of installed extensions and search for Mark Small, if it is there, then so should all extensions it refers to be.