build status: master master, dev dev

What is this?

This software is intended to alleviate preparation for a language test, such as IELTS, or facilitate common English knowledge development.

Main concept

Main idea is to use your own Saved translations as a dictionary. Thus having a dataset of most common / important words just for you, and checking your progress in learning them.

Usage steps

Prepare your dataset

  • go to Google Translate
  • click on a star (Saved Translations)
  • export it to Google Sheets by clicking Sheets icon on the right tab
  • go to Google Sheets
  • configure Access for exported document to be Anybody who has a link

Launch instructions

  • dependencies: POSIX + GTK3, curl, Berkeley DB, optional clang for source compilation
  • install dependencies on Mac: brew install gtk+3 libcurl berkeley-db
  • for compilation from source, clone the tree and use make clean && make build
  • for binary download, download one for your platform in bin/
  • launch with -g key to activate GUI

First launch

  • copy spreadsheet key (the part behind /d/ and ahead of /edit in the URL)
  • copy shpreadsheet ID (digits after gid=)
  • enter these values in the welcome screen
  • hit Enter on either entry - this will sync the Spreadsheet to the local database (location: <home directory>/.tiny-ielts./db)


  • after that, and on subsequent launches, you will see the Main screen, which will display a random word from the database and an entry for a translation
  • after two incorrect translation submissions, you will see a hint
  • after five incorrect submissions, you will see the right answer and a field for a sentence for you to compose with the original word
  • you can hit Next button at any time to pick different word
YouTube screen-recorded demo

To re-initialize or remove application data

  • remove <home directory>/.tiny-ielts directory


  • Implement remove from DB right click context option
  • Implement about right click context option
  • Implement a browser of saved sentences database with scroll/pagination, sentence removal option and search entry
  • Implement menu for statistics of translation & sentence DBs, such as # of entries and file size