Keystonejs and Next.js with Auth0, Stripe

  1. [frontend]: Next.js application
  2. [backend]: Keystonejs application


1. Clone the application

git clone

2. Install necessary dependencies for the frontend application

cd frontend && yarn install

3. Create a .env file and copy the contents from .env.example (present in frontend directory)

We might need to run the following command:

source .env

4. Create and copy the Auth0 credentials

Create a new Auth0 client( and copy the credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) in your .env file.

5. Start the frontend application

From the frontend directory, we can run the following command to start our Next.js frontend application:

yarn dev

The above command will start the frontend application on http://localhost:3000/.

6. Go inside the directory of the backend package on another terminal window

cd backend

7. Start keystonejs backend

yarn dev