A WordPress theme toolkit
This is a collection of theme development snippets, files and tools which I commonly reuse from project to project. I treat this theme as my 'control' sample from which I take bits and pieces for use in building client sites.
Use them, abuse them, improve them, or not.
I aim to keep the files structured in the most manageable way, and I have embraced the concept of 'partials' - breaking up larger files into smaller partial files which group together related code.
- /scss/ for Sass partials
- /functions/ for partials of the functions.php file
- /includes/ for additional config files
- /partials/ for WordPress template partials
- /acf/ for Advanced Custom Fields files for each registered field group
Coding styles
- Code indentation as spaces (not tabs); 'tab' width of 2 spaces
- No IDs used in CSS; primarily use class names
- No vendor prefixing in Sass source files; Autoprefixer adds these in build process
Jan 2015
- reorganised functions.php partial files in /functions/ directory
- reorganised /scss/ into sub directories
- updates /js/ libraries and plugins
- better structure and commenting in project.js
- implemented development file structure for CSS and JS with Grunt build process to concatenate and minify for production
- removed a bunch of bloat
May 2014
- Added GruntJS tasks for compiled Sass with libsass, autoprefixer and JS Hint
- Added /acf/ directory for organising Advanced Custom Fields field groups
- Import functions for creating dummy posts
- Reference directory for storing documentation files
- functions.php split up into partial files