
Android app capable of showing a list of beach pictures without using any 3rd party library

Primary LanguageJava

Hey Beach


Android app capable of fetching and showing a list of beach pictures from a remote server without using any 3rd party library


The application uses MVP Architecture. It applies the repository pattern to provide access to data from a remote data source. The beach list has infinite scrolling capabilities requesting more pictures from the API using pagination. Dependency injection / Factory is used to create and provide helper objects and repositories.

The application is composed of 4 views:

  • Beach list: Shows a list of beach images and titles if available
  • Login: Allows users to input their credentials and log in
  • Register: Allows users to register in the app
  • User Details: Allows users to see stored information

Next Steps

  • Save state on configuration changes (rotation)
  • Add different layouts for bigger screen sizes
  • Improve list items layout and masonry using Google Flexbox - layout
  • Use local storage (SQLite) to cache API results and be able to show then without connection
  • Add Disk cache for images to prevent reloading from network when memory is limited, configuration changes or there is no internet connection