Sambascan2 =========== Sambascan is a tool for scaning Samba (SMB) windows shares in a given network FAQ Version as of 24.05.2005 ============================= Q: Sambascan2 doesn't seem to scan through directories. Why that? It's a Bug? A: You are probably trying to scan in a private share. sambascan2 was only written to scan in public shares and not in private ones (this may change with the time). Another issue is that it is possible, that the Share have a directory with other permissions than the one neede to access it. Check the permission of the wanted directory, and if Samba can access it as the public user. Edited (2007-05-17): With version 0.4.0 you can add login information to sambascan2. It is not a very elegant way of scanning password protected shares, but it is one way. Note that the password will be saved in plaintext and that anyone logged in your computer could discover that password at runtime using: ps -ef | grep smbclient At the moment I don't know how to solve this "ps -ef" issue. Don't exitate in telling me a away to avoid this :-). # vim:tw=80:
This is a script for scanning Samba (or SMB) (Windows) Shares in a network.