
Repo for HackerRank exercises

Primary LanguageJavaScript

October 2, 2017 - javascript/longestevenword

Goal of exercise: Write a function that takes a string of English-language sentence form and returns the first longest even-length word that appears in the sentence (if there are multiple equally-sized even-length words).


  • It is a pleasant day today should return pleasant
  • hey should return 00 (due to no even-length words)


  • q4-longestevenword.js (source)
  • q4-longestevenword-test.js (Chai test case)

Use the following commands to install Chai & run the test case:

npm install chai --save-dev
mocha q4-longestevenword-test.js

June 28, 2017 - java/mergestrings

Goal of exercise: Write a function that takes a list (array) of strings and merges them all into a single string with all of the letters re-arranged in alphabetical order.


  • ["abc", "cde"] should return "abccde" and ["cde", "abc"] should also return "abccde"
  • ["def", "cde", "abc"] should return "abccddeef"


  • MergeStrings.java (source)
  • MergeStringsTest.java (jUnit test case)

Use the following commands to run the JUnit test case on Windows CMD:

javac -cp .;junit-4.12.jar MergeStrings.java
java -cp .;junit-4.12.jar;hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore MergeStringsTest