
Toggl Time sheet is a desktop application with functionality for formatting time entries from Toggl, using the users own specified working hours. The imported and formatted data can filtered and previewed, which can then be exported to .xlsx format.


Open the project in you IDE as a maven project, and run the Main class in the root package.

Built With

Jtoggl - Toggl REST API
ThreeTen - Date and time API for Java
Gson - Java library used to convert Java objects into their JSON representation.
Apache POI - Java library that can read and write MS Excel files using Java, as well as creating exports
TestFX - JavaFX library that allows us to test GUI functions.

Installation and use instructions:

  1. Download the latest executable file from the "releases" section.

  2. Run the file.

  3. Login with your toggl account.

Done. Enjoy.


All contributors in this project where 2nd year computer engineering students from NTNU Ă…lesund
