
Alphastar Ada master course CC39-21 - Covers several different CP competitions

Primary LanguageC++



I took the AlphaStar Ada master course (CC39-21) with Dr. Fatih Gelgi. Starting on September 19th the classes meet almost every other week for 2 hours. Each class we discuss (and implement for homework) a few problems from from a variety of contests (see organization).


Week organized folders: Each week of the AlphaStar-Ada course has its own folder (named "Week #") containing that week's homework problem, the Lecture.pdf, and possibly some notes. Each homework problem is named "(problem#)-(contestDescription)". There are 3 contests involved with this course:

  1. Codeforces: "CF(contest#)(problemLetter)". Check out my Codeforces repos and for more information on my involvement in Codeforces see my Codeforces README.
  2. ACSL: "ACSL(yearStart2)_(yearEnd2)C(contest#)" for example ACSL17_18C1. Check out my ACSL folder and for more information on my involvement in ACSL see my ACSL section of the AlphaStar-Ada README.
  3. DMOJ: "DMOJ-(contestDescription)" for example 4-DMOJ-coci19c1p1. The contestDescription is determined by what ever the last part problem link is: "https://dmoj.ca/problem/(contestDescription)". My involvement in DMOJ is minimal and limited to this course.
  4. USACO: "USACO-(division)-(month)(year)q(question#)". Look at my USACO repos for all the work I have done in USACO. In this class I have done a few practice USACO problems, but nothing much beyond that. To see how I trained for USACO and more; check you my USACO README.
  5. Code Jam: "CJ(round)(year)Q(problem)". Similar to DMOJ my involvement with Code Jam is limited to this class. I have only done a handful of questions from this website. I have no repos for question I have done with Code Jam. In order to submit questions I created an account, my username is Magmamite125.


The ACSL competition was introduce to me by this course. It is a computer science competition consisting of 2 sections. The first short problems section is, as the name implies, a few short problems that must be solved in a certain time frame (30 mins I believe). The second sections contains a programming problem (requiring code) the must be submitting in a 3 day span. I joined as part of the AlphaStar ACSL team in the junior 5 division and made it to the ACSL 2022 finals!

To train for ACSL I do practice ACSL contests (also see the ACSL study materiels). The ACSL folder is divided by practice exam (in chronological order) named "P(exam#)-(yearStart)_(yearEnd)C(contest#)". Official tests for AlphaStar be marked as such with a file named Official.txt and will start with an "O" instead of a "P". It will the followed by startYear _ endYear then the contest number. Each exam folder contains:

  • ShortProblems.txt private: Containing a list of the ACSL short problem questions and solutions (answer + explanation). This might possibly require images named "Figure(#).png". It will be noted where the figure should be 'inserted'.
  • Question.txt private: The singular programming question in the ACSL contests.
  • Answer: My answer to the programming question from Question.txt.
  • possibly Official.txt: This files notes that the contest was officially taken. The file will contain the scores to both my short questions and programming question and any other related information. Everyone's scores can be seen on the ACSL leader-board.

I was invited to participate in the ACSL finals on May 28th, 2022 in the junior 5 division. See my work in the github FINAL folder. The format was similar to a regular ACSL contest in that we had short problems and programming questions to solve. For the finals though, we had to solve 2 programming questions (instead of 1) withing a three hour span. The programming test was worth a total of 20 points. Next we did 20 short problems within a one hour time frame where each question is worth 1 point for a correct answer. No new topics were added to the short problems other than the ones in the contests throughout the year. All information about the finals was communicated to use though the youtube stream where Dr. Marc H. Brown shows the division winners (see me at 7:59:32). See my results on the Official.txt or the finals leader board. I got a final score of 39/40 (one wrong on the short problems) and received a silver award for the 2022 ACSL finals See my SilverMedalWinner.png picture.

Stanford ProCo

I took the Stanford ProCo on March 5th 2022 with 2 other members from this AlphaStar Ada master course. The contest itself was taken on Codeforces as ProCo 2022. My team, Alphastar team 1, got full credit for 8/16 questions during the 3 hours test ranking #17 out of 52 teams in the advanced division. For more information look at TeamScores.txt. Check out the StanfordProCo folder for my solutions.


The format of the TeamsCode contest is similar to the Stanford ProCo. The contest was on April 2, 2022 from 12 pm to 8 pm est. We were given 3 hours to solve 11 problems as a team. I was in the astar_ada_air with 4 other members from this AlphaStar Ada master course. We received full credit for 9/11 problems and partial credit for one of them. With that we ranked 1st first among all pre-collage teams and 2nd over all out of 100 teams in the novice division. Therefore we each get a 20 cash price :) A codeforces gym was created after the contest with a list of all the problems. For more information and useful links look at TeamInfo.txt. For all of my solutions look at the TeamsCode folder.