
Approximation and randomized algorithms - PACT group 2 with Dr. Rajiv Gandhi

Pact Group 2

I really enjoyed my second year in PACT as part of their group 2 with Dr. Rajiv Gandhi (see my work for group 1). I joined about 25 other people in group 2 during the summer of 2022. I didn't attend the year round program (due to a scheduling conflict), so normally I wouldn't be allowed to join group 2. Since I was really eager to join group 2 and dive deeper into theoretical CS, I independently studied the year round material. Dr. Gandhi then assessed my understanding and determined that I was eligible for group 2! :)

Group 2 description

Group 2 studies more advanced topics in theoretical computer science, specifically approximation and randomization algorithms. See exactly what topics are covered in the Topics column of Class Materials. I wanted to continue with PACT since I really enjoyed group 1 and CS Theory is REALLY interesting.

As part of group 2, I got to mentor 6 of the group 1 students. I remember how helpful my mentor was in group 1. Since the topics were new to me, I asked my mentor a lot of questions to clarify the topics. I hope I did as good of a job mentoring as my group 1 mentor did.

Another Major Part PACT group 2 is the Guest Speakers. See the Guest Speakers section of the README.

Class Materials

The following is a table used to break down all the materials and supplements for each day. It is a way to organize all the necessary resources per day. NOTE: Many links won't be usable by the public in order to not give away other people work. Specifically, the "lecture materials" and "additional reading" sections are not available for the public.

Additional info:

  • For all WS in the Additional Reading section use this for the book The Design of Approximation Algorithms by Williamson and Shmoys.
  • VV in the Additional Reading section refer to Vijay Vazirani's Approximation Algorithms book.
  • Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis book by Mitzenmacher and Upfal is written as MU in the Additional Reading section.
  • All recording passwords are located here (private file).
Date Topics Lecture Materials Additional Reading Homework
June 27 Morning Vertex Cover
Class Notes
June 27 Evening Probability Review Class Notes
June 28 Morning K-Center
Scheduling Parallel Machines
Traveling Salesman Problem
Class Notes
WS section 2.4 Question
June 28 Evening Variance
Chebyshev's Inequality
Class Notes
Probability Question
June 29 Set Cover Class Notes
June 30 Maximizing float in bank accounts Class Notes
WS section 2.5
July 1 Linear Programming, LP-rounding Class Notes
LP Notes
Vertex Cover
July 5 Knapsack, Binomial Distribution Class Notes
VV sections 8.1-8.2
July 6 Bin Packing, Karger's min-cut algorithm Class Notes
Bin Packing
MU section 1.4
July 7 LP-rounding Class Notes
WS sections 4.1-4.3
July 8 LP-rounding, Primal-dual Class Notes
WS section 4.5
July 11 Primal-dual Class Notes
Facility Location
July 12 Estimating a parameter, Randomized Rounding Class Notes
Randomized Rounding
Chernoff bounds

Guest Speakers

A large portion of our time in PACT group 2 is with guest speakers. Very accomplished people will come to talk to PACT group 2 and give talks or lectures about various topics in Theoretical Computer Science. All the guest speakers' notes are stored in the "GuestSpeakers" private folder.

Date Guest Speaker Topic Notes Lecture Recording
July 13 Morning Professor Sanjeev Khanna PCP Theorem and its applications Notes PDF Recording
July 13 Evening Shreya Mogulothu Steaming Notes PDF
Lecture Notes
July 14 Professor Jelani Nelson Frequent Items Notes PDF Recording
July 15 Professor David Williamson Max-SAT Notes PDF
WS section 5.1-5.5
July 18 Professor David Williamson Maximizing Submodular functions Notes PDF Recording
July 19 Professor Sepehr Assadi Graph Streaming Notes PDF
Lecture Notes
July 20 Aadityan Ganesh An invitation to Algorithmic Game Theory Notes PDF
Lecture Notes
July 21 Professor Aravind Srinivasan Dependent Rounding Notes PDF Recording
July 22 Aadityan Ganesh Prophet Inequalities Notes PDF Recording
July 25 Vihan Shah Sublinear Algorithms Notes PDF
Lecture Notes
July 26 Professor Matt Weinberg Bitcoin and Selfish Mining Notes Slides Recording
July 27 Rajmohan Rajaraman Epidemics, Random Walks, and Rumor Spreading Notes PDF Recording