
Second version of ASU CIS website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Coalition of International Students is an organization dedicated towards helping international students on campus. We are part of the Council of Coalitions which is a council of seven identity-based coalitions that promote and represent the voice of various cultures within the Arizona State University.

Our Mission

CIS is a student led organization that acts as a bridge to reflect the needs of international students to university administration. We aim to enhance international student experience, promote cultural diversity and inclusivity in ASU through events and service.

Project Dependencies

This project is built with:

  1. NodeJS
  2. Ruby
  3. Jekyll - $ gem install jekyll
  4. GulpJS - $ npm install gulp-cli -g
  5. PugJS - $ npm install pug

Running the Project

Get Started

  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. $ npm install on the directory

Development Mode

  1. $ gulp pug
  2. $ gulp
  3. Browsersync can be accessed through localhost:3000

Production Mode

  1. $ gulp deploy

Folder Structure

├── _data               # YAML (.yml) files to support liquid templates 
├── _includes           # Folder for the broken up components
├── _layouts            # Default layout for page types
├── _pugfiles           # Uncompiled .pug scripts
├── _site               # Tools and utilities
├── assets              # All additional assets of the projects
│   ├── css             # All stylesheets (.css and .scss)
│   │   └── uncomp      # All unprocessed .scss files
│   ├── images          # All images used by the project
│   │   └── pre         # Original image files before compression
│   └── js              # All additional scripts (.js)
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore          # Folders and files that are ignored by git
├── CNAME               # Used for GitHub pages custom domain
├── README.md           # Readme file for repository
├── _config.yml         # Stores pre-determined values
├── gulpfile.js         # Automate compilation of pug, sass and jekyll
├── index.html          # main entry point
├── package-lock.json
└── package.json        # Document node dependencies


The contents of this repository are covered under the MIT License.