Planet Centauri FSM editor

This is a WIP tool to visually edit FSMs (Finite State Machines) for use in Planet Centauri. This is useful to edit monster logic in a visual and user-friendly way.


At the moment, you should use vcpkg to install dependencies for the standalone application.

  1. Follow the quick start guide for vcpkg depending on your platform.
  2. Install sfml, imgui-sfml and imgui: vcpkg install sfml imgui-sfml imgui. You can use this as a reference to install packages using vcpkg.
  3. mkdir build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -GNinja.
  4. You can now build by running ninja inside of the build/ directory.

Internal docs

A Doxygen documentation is provided to help understand the internals of the FSM editor and is a good starting point.
At the moment, you need to build the documentation seperately:

cd doc/out
doxygen ../Doxyfile

You can then open the HTML docs from doc/out/html/index.html.