Warnings: the package is still in development. Backward compatibility might not be preserved.
Aims: simple, pure python
This library works well with joblib, which is intended to solve similar issues in shared memory architecture.
To get the latest code using git, simply type:
git clone git://github.com/clusterlib/clusterlib.git
If you don't have git installed, you can download a zip or tarball of the latest code: https://github.com/clusterlib/clusterlib/archive/master.zip
As any Python packages, to install clusterlib, simply do:
python setup.py install
in the source code directory.
To contribute to clusterlib, first create a github account. Then you can fork the clusterlib repository. Once this is done, you can make clone of your fork, make your changes and whenever you are happy, send us a pull request to the main repository.
To run the test suite, you need nosetests and the coverage modules. Run the test suite using:
from the root of the project.
For making the documentation, Sphinx==1.2.2 and sphinx-bootstrap-theme==0.4.0 are needed. Then, you can do
make doc
To update the documentation on http://clusterlib.github.io/clusterlib/, simply do
make gh-pages