
Simple app for create XMPP chat bot

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Simple app for create XMPP chat bot

Sorry for my english

How it's work:

  1. Heyman wait XMPP message from user
  2. Search command in config file (by regex)
  3. Run command from specific user with specified args
  4. Write all XMPP messages to stdin
  5. Read from stdout and send to XMPP user
  6. This happens as long as the command application will not closed
XMPP user >--XMPP message--> Heyman >--stdin--> $/you/application.exe -with=args
XMPP user <--XMPP message--< Heyman <--stdout-< $/you/application.exe -with=args

Quick start

  1. Compile project
  2. Create config.yaml at root file
  3. run /usr/bin/mono Heyman.exe config.yaml or Heyman.exe config.yaml


Example configuration to run at Mono:

# XMPP client configuration
  User: xmpp_username
  Password: xmpp_password
  Server: xmpp.server.host
# List of commands  
- Title: "weather"
  Regex: "^(weather|weath)"
  Description: "tell weather int your city"
  Arguments: "/srv/heyman/hey/Hey.exe weather -message='$MESSAGE' -u='$USER_ID' -n='$USER_NAME'"
  FileName: "/usr/bin/mono"
  EndLine: "|"

- Title: "restart"
  Regex: "restart"
  Description: "restart Ubuntu server"
  Arguments: "-r now"
  FileName: "/usr/bin/shutdown "
  UserName: root
  WorkingDirectory: ./

# Localization strings  
  HelpHeader: "Hi there! List of my commands:"

Command fields description:

  • Title - display name for user
  • Regex - regex expression for matching command
  • Description - description for user
  • FileName - app file path to execute WITHOUT arguments
  • UserName - user name
  • EndLine - specifies end of line for message. See [EndLine-symbol]
  • WorkingDirectory - specifies working directory
  • Arguments - arguments for app. You can use '$<ARG_NAME>' macros to insert some data to arguments

EndLine symbol

  1. Heyman application wait for '/n' from command stdout and send message user. If EndLine not specified, command can send only one-line message. But if you specify EndLine, Heyman split string by this symbol.

  2. Heyman listen new messages from users and write it to stdin. User message can contain multiple lines with '\n' symbols. This symbol may be replaced by special string, specified in command config.

Arguments macros:

  • $MESSAGE - input message from client
  • $USER_ID - user XMPP user id (JID). For example: "heyman@jabber.com/Other"
  • $USER_NAME - user name. For example: "Чат бот"

Run with Supervisor

Exmaple supervisor config file ./scripts/supervisor.conf

When start app by supervisor, stdin encoding was different, from console start encoding. Fixed by adding line


to supervisor config file.

Folder structure

├── scripts/                   # scripts folder
│   ├── supervisor.conf/       # default config for supervisor
│   └── restart.sh/            # script for restart service
├── src/                       # source code folder
├── LICENCE                    # code licence
└── README.md                  # project description


Project is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


All notable changes to this project will be documented here

[1.0.0] - 2015/09/03


  • add README
  • add Heyman XMPP bot

Copyright and license

Code released under the MIT license. Docs is licensed under a Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0.