
PyCon India Blog

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Inpycon Blog

PyCon India Blog (https://in.pycon.org/blog/)

Getting Started

Run the following commands to create virtualenv and start working:

Install pipenv

Just use pip:

$ pip install pipenv

Or, if you’re using Ubuntu 17.10:

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common python-software-properties
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pypa/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install pipenv

Otherwise, if you’re on MacOS, you can install Pipenv easily with Homebrew:

$ brew install pipenv

Install dependencies and start server

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv run ./develop_server.sh start

The contents should be visible at http://localhost:8000/blog/

Want to Contribute?

Thank you for your you interest in contributing to PyCon India blog site, please read our Contribution Guidelines to get started. Submit an issue in the Issues section for reporting/fixing bugs and to request new features.

New Blog

To create a new blog or page create a file in contents like touch blog/my-new-blog.rst.

example of content can be:

Test Article

:Date: 2015-3-03 10:20
:Category: 2015

This can be removed as soon as more, real articles are added.

For more details look up, http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.5.0/content.html