
a webtask that searches twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a script that uses webtask.io's functionality to return a list of tweets containing the term that the user searched for.

Working model

js bin

The link to my version, just add &name=query at the end.

steps to configure:

STEP 1: Clone (git clone) and install (npm install) the dependencies.

STEP 2: create a file named data/config.json and add the following in it:

"CONSUMER_KEY" :  "<your consumer key>",
"CONSUMER_SECRET" : "<your consumer secret>",
"ACCESS_TOKEN" : "<your access token>",
"ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET" : "<your access token secret>"

You can get them here

STEP 3: Download and configure the Webtask cli and Webtask bundle

STEP 4: Webtask.io dosen't contain twitter module used here, we will have to bundle it.

wt-bundle --watch --output out_twitter_webtask.js twitter_webtask.js

STEP 5: run:

wt create out_twitter_webtask.js

STEP 6: For the term that you have to search, you will have to add the term &name=<search term> to the end of the url that is given by STEP 5.

Go to the generated url.