
A Python Client and CLI tool for Monday.com

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Python Client and CLI tool for Monday.com

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To add the moncli package to your project, simply execute the following command within your Python 3 environment using pip. Please note that this package is only available for Python 3

$ pip3 install moncli

Configuring the Client

Getting started with the moncli Python package is simple. To begin, import the default MondayClient instance and set the API key using the following code below:

from moncli import client
client.api_key_v2 = api_key_v2

The API key can also be set globally using the following code. Please note that this will be the preferred method for setting the API key moving forward. The former should only be used when needing access to multiple clients for different accounts.

import moncli
moncli.api.api_key = api_key_v2

In addition, if you find that requests going to the monday.com API time out due to environmental issues, extend the timeout using the connnection_timeout property as shown below:

moncli.api.connection_timeout = 30

Please note that standard requests have a default timeout of 10 seconds while file upload requests have a default timeout of 5 minutes.

The MondayClient object is the entry point for all client activities and includes functionality for board, item, tag, and user management.

The api_key_v1 and api_key_v2 parameters represent the user/account monday.com API access keys and can be found by navigating to https://<your_instance_name>.monday.com/admin/integrations/api and copying both the API v1 (personal or company) and API v2 keys.

Additional information regarding MondayClient properties/methods can be found in the MondayClient section below.

Using Moncli

Functions, Return Fields, and Arguments

Moncli uses Domain-driven Design (DDD) principles to provide an easy-to-use interface for monday.com API functionality. Each of the respective elements of the monday.com domain (boards, groups, items, etc.) are encapsulated inside of entity classes that not only preserve the state of the monday.com object but also expose additional API functionality through the use of class methods.

Many methods have required input parameters, but all of them contain the capability of using both the arguments (args) and key-word arguments (kwargs) parameters for custom return field and argument values respectively.

For example, the following code retrieves an item from a board.

board = client.get_boards(ids=[board_id])[0]
board_items = board.get_items()

If there is a need to reduce complexity, as the retrieval of items is truly only dependent upon the ID of the retrieved board, the code may be rewritten in the following way.

# In this case, the ids input parameter is a key-word argument and thus follows the 'id' list argument.
board = client.get_boards('id', ids=[board_id])[0]
board.id # Returns board_id
board.name # Returns None, as it was not retrieved
board_items = board.get_items()

The rewritten code does provide greater improvements around complexity of the initial call, but the get_items method call from the Board instance only returns the default item fields that are simple native types (strings, ints, floats, datetimes, etc.) Moncli supports the use of nested return field values to address this issue as seen with the code below.

board = client.get_boards('id', ids=[board_id])[0]
# Return items with just the id, name, and the id, title, and value for their respective column values
board_items = board.get_items('id', 'name', 'column_values.id', 'column_values.title', 'column_value.value')

While this method works, the sheer number of return input fields can become unwieldy rather quickly. To address this, Moncli also supports a special list notation for input fields that allows users to input a list of fields to return at the leaf level using a single return field input. This allows the code to be rewritten in the following way.

board = client.get_boards('id', ids=[board_id])[0]
# Return items with just the id, name, and column value fields using list notation.
board_items = board.get_items('id', 'name', 'column_values.[id, title, value]')

This improves readability tremendously, however all fields may be needed, and for monday.com domain entities with many return fields, this too can get unwieldy. Fortunately, Moncli also supports an all-fields notation for nested return types as shown with the rewritten code below.

board = client.get_boards('id', ids=[board_id])[0]
# Return items with just the id, name, and all column value fields using all-fields notation.
board_items = board.get_items('id', 'name', 'column_values.[*]')

Using a combination of both the list and all-fields notation, the efficiency of the code can be greatly improved by condensing everything into a single method call from the MondayClient instance. The code below demonstrates this.

board_items = client.get_boards('id', 'items.[id, name]', 'items.column_values.[*]', ids=[board_id])[0].items

Finally, moncli supports the use of nested arguments. Say that a list of items were needed from a particular group. This can easily be done using nested arguments as demonstrated below.

board_items = client.get_boards('id', 'items.[id, name]', 'items.column_values.[*]', ids=[board_id], groups={'ids': [group_id]})[0].items

Using a combination of return field and argument techniques, there is no shortage of custom querying available. So long as an entity method has an *args and/or a **kwargs input value, it supports the use of the techniques demonstrated above.

Managing Boards

Boards are cornerstones for any Monday.com setup, and Board objects are no exception containing functionality for general data management with columns, groups, and items. The next sections below will provide some general tools regarding Board management.

New boards are created with the MondayClient instance using the create_board method as shown in the example below.

# Import Boardkind enum for parameter input.
from moncli import BoardKind

# Create a new public board
board_name = 'New Public Board'
board_kind = BoardKind.public
new_board = client.create_board(board_name, board_kind)

Existing boards are also retrieved with the MondayClient using the get_boards method using the ids keyword argument as shown below.

board_ids = ['12345']
retrieved_boards = client.get_boards(ids=[board_ids])

When looking to retrieve only a single board by either id or name, the get_board method is also available on the MondayClient instance using either the id or name keyword argument as shown below.

# Retrieve a board by ID.
board_id = '12345'
board_by_id = client.get_board(id=board_id)

# Retrieve a board by Name
board_name = 'Existing Public Board'
retrieved_board = client.get_board(name='board_name')

PLEASE NOTE: Querying boards by name is not a built-in feature for Monday.com and may be less performant that searching for a board by ID.

Finally, boards are archived using the archive_board method on the MondayClient instance as shown below.

board_id = '12345'
archived_board = client.archive_board(board_id)

Additional information regarding the Board object can be found in the Board section below.

Working with Columns, Groups, and Items

Adding and Getting Columns

Columns contain metadata that pertains to the data types available to current and future board items. Board columns are represented by the Column object. A new column is created from a Board instance using the add_column method and returned as a Column object as shown below.

from moncli import ColumnType

new_column = board.add_column(title='New Text Column', column_type=ColumnType.text)

Columns are retrieved from a Board instance using the get_columns method as shown below.

columns = board.get_columns('id', 'title', 'type')

Managing Groups

Groups contain lists of items within a board. In moncli, these groups are realized as Group objects are are retrieved from a Board in the following way.

groups = board.get_groups('id','name')

Groups are also created via a Board instance, as shown below.

group_name = 'New Group'
group = board.add_group(group_name, 'id', 'name')

Once created a group may be duplicated, archived or deleted in the following ways.

# Duplicate a group.
duplicate_group = group.duplicate()

# Archive a group.
archived_group = group.archive()

# Delete a group.
deleted_group = group.delete()

Using Items

Items in monday.com represent individual records containing column value data. These items exist inside of the various board groups. Items are created by either a Board or Group instance as shown below. Please note that when creating items from a Board instance, the item is placed into the topmost group if the group_id parameter is not specified.

item_name = 'New Item 1'

# Add item via board.
group_id = 'group_1'
item = board.add_item(item_name, group_id=group_id)

# Add item via group.
item = group.add_item(item_name)

An Item object can be created with column values using the optional column_values parameter. Values for this parameter can be input as a dictionary in which each key represents the ID of the column to update and the value represents the value to add.

column_values = {'text_column_1': 'New Text Value'}
new_item_with_values = board.add_item(item_name='New Item With Text Value', column_values=column_values)

Items are also retrieved by either a MondayClient, Board, or Group instance via the get_items methods. It is important to note that the Client instance has access to all items created within the account that are accessible to the user. When using a Board or a Group instance, only items accessible to the user within the respective board or group are available to query.

Additionally, the column values may also be easily requested by using the get_column_values parameters when retrieving items from any MondayClient, Board, or Group instance.

# Retrieve the item.
item = client.get_items(ids=[item_id_as_int_or_string])

# Retrieve the item with column values
item = client.get_items(ids=[item_id_as_int_or_string], get_column_values=True)

Once an Item instance is retrieved, it can be moved between groups, duplicated, archived, or deleted as shown in the example below.

# Move item to group.

# Duplicate item with updates

# Archive an item.
# Delete an item.

If the particular board contains a Subitems column, then subitems can be added to a particular using the create_subitem method shown below:

subitem = item.create_subitem(item_name, column_values=column_values_dict)

Changing Column Values

The column values of an item may also be retrieved and updated from an Item instance in the following way as shown below.

# First get the column value.
# Index for item.column_values may be the column id, title, or the list index integer.
column_value = item.column_values['text_colunn_1']
# Update the column text
column_value.text_value = 'Update Text'
# Now update the column value in the item.

Multiple column values are retrieved and updated from the Item instance using the change_multiple_column_values and get_column_values methods respectively. More information on these methods can be found below in the Item section of this document.

Posting Updates

Updates represent interactions between users within a monday.com account with respect to a given item and are represented in moncli as an Update object. Update instances are retrieved using the get_updates method from either a MondayClient instance, which can retrieve all updates within the account accessible to the login user, or an Item instance, which only has access to updates within the particular item.

Updates are added to an item using the add_update method from the Item instance as shown below.

update = item.add_update('Hello, World!')

Once created, replies are also added to an update using the add_reply method from the Update instance as shown below.

reply = update.add_reply('Right back at you!')

Finally updates are removed from the Item instance using either the delete_update method for removing a specific update, or the clear_all_updates method to remove all updates on the item as shown below.

# Remove one update

# Remove all updates

More information regarding Updates and Replies can be found in the Update and Reply sections in the documentation below.

Uploading Files

Files, or assets, represent files uploaded to items via a file-type column or updates via the add_file method on both Item and Update objects.

When adding files to an item, a file column via the FileColumn object must be identified as the column in which to place the newly uploaded file. This is demonstrated in the example below.

# First get the file column.
file_column = item.get_column_value(id='file_column_1')
# Then upload the file.
asset = item.add_file(file_column, '/users/test/monday_files/test.jpg')

Adding files to an update only requires the file path of the file to upload as shown below.

asset = update.add_file('/users/test/monday_files/test.jpg')

Files are retrieved using the get_files method available on any MondayClient, Item, or Update instance. It is important to note that all files within the account accessible to the user are retrieved from the MondayClient instance, while only files within the respective item or update are retrieved for Item and Update instances respectively.

Currently, the monday.com API only supports removing all files from a file column within an item. This is done using the remove_files method of the Item instance in the example shown below.

# First get the file column.
file_column = item.get_column_value(id='file_column_1')
# Then clear all files.
assets = item.remove_files(file_column)

To remove files from an update, the only option currently available is to delete the update containing the file. This is done using the delete_update method via an Item instance or directly on an Update instance with the delete method.

More information regarding the Asset object is found in the File/Asset section of the documentation below.

Moncli Entities

The moncli client returns entities representing Monday.com objects after executing a successful request to the API. These entities not only contain properties representing the return fields of the query/mutation, but also contain various methods for retrieving other related entities.

Aside from required parameters, entity methods also contain an *args parameter that allows for a collection of custom return field inputs. Simply add the name of the field to return (as defined by the monday.com query) as a string. To return nested fields, simply list out the full path of the field in dot notation (ex. 'items.id' will return items associated with the query with a populated id property.

Optional parameters for moncli entity methods are added as keyword arguments via the *kwargs variable.


This section contains all properties and methods contained within the MondayClient object.


Name Type Description
me User The client login user.


Create a new board. Returns: moncli.entities.Board


Name Type Description
board_name str The board's name.
board_kind moncli.enums.BoardKind The board's kind (public / private / share).
workspace_id str Optional workspace id.
template_id str Optional board template id.


>>> from moncli import BoardKind
>>> board_name = 'New Public Board'
>>> board_kind = BoardKind.public
>>> new_board = client.create_board(board_name, board_kind, 'id', 'name')
>>> new_board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}

Get a collection of boards.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Board]


Name Type Description
limit (Optional) int Number of boards to get; the default is 25.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
ids (Optional) list[str] A list of boards unique identifiers.
board_kind (Optional) moncli.enums.BoardKind The board's kind (public / private / share)
state moncli.enums.State The state of the board (all / active / archived / deleted), the default is active.


>>> ids = ['12345']
>>> boards = client.get_boards('id', 'name', ids=ids)
>>> boards
[{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}]

Get a board by unique identifier or name.
Returns: moncli.entities.Board


Name Type Description
id str The unique identifier of the board to retrieve. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'name'.
name str The name of the board to retrieve. NOTE: This parameter is mutially exclusive and cannot be used with 'id'.


>>> id = '12345
>>> board = client.get_board(id, None, 'id', 'name')
>>> board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}
>>> name = 'New Public Board'
>>> board = client.get_board(None, name, 'id', 'name')
>>> board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}

Get a board by unique identifier.
Returns: moncli.entities.Board


Name Type Description
id str The unique identifier of the board.


>>> id = '12345
>>> board = client.get_board_by_id(id, 'id', 'name')
>>> board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}

Get a board by name.
Returns: moncli.entities.Board


Name Type Description
name str The name of the board to retrieve.


>>> name = 'New Public Board
>>> board = client.get_board_by_name(name, 'id', 'name')
>>> board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}

Archive a board.
Returns: moncli.entities.Board


Name Type Description
board_id str The board's unique identifier.


>>> id = '12345'
>>> archived_board = client.archive_board(id, 'id', 'name', 'state')
>>> archived_board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board', 'state': 'archived'}

Get a collection of assets by IDs.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Asset]


Name Type Description
ids list[str] Ids of the assets/files you want to get.


>>> assets_ids = ['12345678']
>>> assets = client.get_assets(assets_ids, 'id', 'name', 'public_url')
>>> assets
[{'id': '12345678', 'name': 'test.jpg', 'public_url': 'https://test.monday.com/files/test.jpg'}]

Get a collection of items.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Item]


Name Type Description
get_column_values (Optional) bool Retrieves all item column values if set to True.
limit (Optional) int Number of items to get; the default is 25.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
ids (Optional) list[str] A list of items unique identifiers.
newest_first (Optional) bool Get the recently created items at the top of the list.


>>> item_ids = ['123456']
>>> items = client.get_items('id', 'name', ids=ids)
>>> items
[{'id': '123456', 'name': 'New Item'}]

Get a collection of updates.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Update]


Name Type Description
limit (Optional) int Number of updates to get; the default is 25.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.


>>> updates = client.get_updates('id', 'text_body')
>>> updates
[{'id': '1234567', 'text_body': 'Hello, World!'}]

Delete an update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Update


Name Type Description
id str The update's unique identifier.


>>> update_id = '1234567'
>>> deleted_update = client.delete_update(update_id, 'id','text_body')
>>> deleted_update
{'id': '1234567', 'text_body': 'Hello, World!'}

Clear an item's updates.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
item_id str The item's unique identifier.


>>> item_id = '123456'
>>> item = client.clear_item_updates(item_id, 'id', 'name', 'updates.id')
>>> item
{'id': '123456', 'name': 'New Item', 'updates': []}

Create a new notification.
Returns: moncli.entities.Notification


Name Type Description
text str The notification text.
user_id str The user's unique identifier.
target_id str The target's unique identifier.
target_type moncli.enums.NotificationTargetType The target's type (Project / Post)
payload json The notification payload.


>>> from moncli.enums import NotificationTargetType
>>> text = 'Hello, World!'
>>> user_id = '1234'
>>> target_id = '1235'
>>> notification_type = NotificationTargetType.Post
>>> notification = client.create_notification(text, user_id, target_id, notification_type, 'id', 'text')
>>> notification
{'id': '123456789', 'text': 'Hello, World!'}

Create a new tag or get it if it already exists.
Returns: moncli.entities.Tag


Name Type Description
tag_name str The new tag's name
board_id (Optional) str The private board id to create the tag at (not needed for public boards).


>>> tag_name = 'New Tag'
>>> tag = client.create_or_get_tag(tag_name, 'id', 'name')
>>> tag
{'id': '1234567890', 'name': 'New Tag'}

Get a collection of tags.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Tag]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) list[str] The list of tags unique identifiers.


>>> tags_ids = ['1234567890']
>>> tags = client.get_tags('id','name', ids=tags_ids)
>>> tags
[{'id': '1234567890', 'name': 'New Tag'}]

Get a collection of users.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.User]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) list[str] A list of users unique identifiers.
kind (Optional) moncli.entities.UserKind The kind to search users by (all / non_guests / guests / non_pending).
newest_first (Optional) bool Get the recently created users at the top of the list.
limit (Optional) int Number of users to get.


>>> ids = ['1234']
>>> users = client.get_users('id', 'name', ids=ids)
>>> users
[{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}]

Get a collection of teams.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Team]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) list[str] A list of teams unique identifiers.


>>> ids = ['123']
>>> teams = client.get_teams('id', 'name', ids=ids)
>>> teams
{'id': '123', 'name': 'Test Team'}

Get the conected user's information.
Returns: moncli.entities.User


>>> user = client.get_me('id','name')
>>> user
{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}

Get the connected user's account.
Returns: moncli.entities.Account


>>> account = client.get_account('name', 'first_day_of_the_week')
>>> account
{'name': 'Test Account', 'first_day_of_the_week': 'monday'}

Create a new workspace.
Returns: moncli.entities.Workspace


Name Type Description
name str The workspace's name.
kind moncli.enums.WorkspaceKind The workspace's kind (open / closed)
description (Optional) str The workspace's description.


>>> from moncli.enums import WorkspaceKind
>>> name = 'New Workspace'
>>> kind = WorkspaceKind.open
>>> workspace = client.create_workspace(name, kind, 'id', 'name')
>>> workspace
{'id': '12', 'name': 'New Workspace'}


This section contains all properties and methods contained within the Board object.


Name Type Description
activity_logs list[moncli.entities.ActivityLog] The board log events.
board_folder_id str The board's folder unique identifier.
board_kind str The board's kind (public / private / share).
columns list[moncli.entities.Column] The board's visible columns.
communication str Get the board communication value - typically meeting ID.
description str The board's description.
groups list[moncli.entities.Group] The board's visible groups.
id str The unique identifier of the board.
items list[moncli.entities.Item] The board's items (rows).
name str The board's name.
owner moncli.entities.User The owner of the board.
permissions str The board's permissions.
pos str The board's position.
state str The board's state (all / active / archived / deleted).
subscribers list[moncli.entities.User] The board's subscribers.
tags list[moncli.entities.Tag] The board's specific tags.
top_group moncli.entities.Group The top group at this board.
updated_at str The last time the board was updated at (ISO8601 DateTime).
updates list[moncli.entities.Update] The board's updates.
views list[moncli.entities.BoardView] The board's views.
workspace moncli.entities.Workspace The workspace that contains this board (null for main workspace).
workspace_id str The board's workspace unique identifier (null for main workspace).


Get the board log events.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.ActivityLog]


Name Type Description
limit int Number of items to get, the default is 25.
page int Page number to get, starting at 1.
user_ids list[str] User ids to filter.
column_ids list[str] Column ids to filter.
group_ids list[str] Group ids to filter.
item_ids list[str] Item id to filter
from str From timespamp (ISO8601).
to str To timespamp (ISO8601).


>>> activity_logs = board.get_activity_logs('id','data')
>>> activity_logs
[{'id': '12345678901', 'data': 'INSERT_COLIMN_DATA_HERE'}]

Get the board's views.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.BoardView]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) str The list of view unique identifiers.
type (Optional) str The view's type.


>>> views = board.get_views('id', 'name')
>>> views
[{'id': 'test_view_1', 'name': 'Test View 1'}]

Add subscribers to this board.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.User]](#user)


Name Type Description
user_ids list[str] User ids to subscribe to a board.
kind (Optional) moncli.enums.SubscriberKind Subscribers kind (subscriber / owner).


>>> user_ids = ['1234']
>>> subscribers = board.add_subscribers(user_ids, 'id', 'name')
>>> subscribers
[{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}]

Get board subscribers.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.User]](#user)


>>> subscribers = board.get_subscribers('id', 'name')
>>> subscribers
[{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}]

Remove subscribers from the board.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.User]](#user)


Name Type Description
user_ids list[str] User ids to unsubscribe from board.


>>> user_ids = ['1234']
>>> subscribers = board.delete_subscribers(user_ids, 'id', 'name')
>>> subscribers
[{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}]

Create a new column in board.
Returns: moncli.entities.Column


Name Type Description
title str The new column's title.
column_type moncli.enums.ColumnType The type of column to create.
defaults (Optional) json The new column's defaults.


>>> from moncli.enums import ColumnType
>>> title = 'New Text Column'
>>> column_type = ColumnType.text
>>> column = board.add_column(title, column_type, 'id','name')
>>> column
{'id': 'text_column_1', 'name': 'New Text Column'}

Get the board's visible columns.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Column]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) str A list of column unique identifiers.


>>> columns = board.get_columns()
>>> columns
{'id': 'text_column_1', 'name': 'New Text Column'}

Creates a new group in the board.
Returns: moncli.entities.Group


Name Type Description
group_name str The name of the new group.


>>> group_name = 'New Group'
>>> group = board.add_group(group_name, 'id', 'name')
{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group'}

Get the board's visible groups.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Group]


Name Type Description
ids (Optional) list[string] A list of group unique identifiers.


>>> groups = board.get_groups('id', 'name')
[{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group'}]

Get a group belonging to the board by ID or title.
Returns: moncli.entities.Group


Name Type Description
id str The group's unique identifier. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'title'.
title str The group's title. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'id'.


>>> # Get group by id.
>>> group_id = 'group_1'
>>> group = board.get_group(group_id, None, 'id', 'name')
{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group'}
>>> # Get group by name.
>>> group_name = 'New Group'
>>> group = board.get_group(None, group_name, 'id', 'name')
{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group'}

Create a new item in the board.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
item_name str The new item's name.
get_column_values (Optional) bool Retrieves all item column values if set to True.
group_id (Optional) str The group's unique identifier.
column_values (Optional) json The column values of the new item.


>>> item_name = 'New Item'
>>> item = board.add_item(item_name, 'id', 'name')
>>> item
{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'New Item'}

Get the board's items (rows).
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Item]


Name Type Description
get_column_values (Optional) bool Retrieves all item column values if set to True.
ids (Optional) list[str] The list of items unique identifiers.
limit (Optional) int Number of items to get.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
>>> items = board.get_items('id', 'name')
>>> items
[{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'New Item'}]

Search items in this board by their column values.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Item]


Name Type Description
column_value moncli.entites.ColumnValue The column value to search on.
get_column_values (Optional) bool Retrieves all item column values if set to True.
limit (Optional) int Number of items to get.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
column_id (Optional) str The column's unique identifier.
column_value (Optional) str The column value to search items by.
column_type (Optional) str The column type.
state (Optional) moncli.enumns.State The state of the item (all / active / archived / deleted), the default is active.


>>> column_id = 'test_column'
>>> column_value = board.get_column_value(column_id)
>>> column_value.text = 'Search Text'
>>> items = board.get_items_by_column_values(column_value, 'id', 'name')
>>> items
[{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'New Item'}]

Search items in this board by multiple values for a single column.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Item]


Name Type Description
column moncli.entites.Column The column to search on.
column_values list[str] The list of str column values upon which to search.
get_column_values (Optional) bool Retrieves all item column values if set to True.
limit (Optional) int Number of items to get.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
column_id (Optional) str The column's unique identifier.
column_value (Optional) str The column value to search items by.
column_type (Optional) str The column type.
state (Optional) moncli.enumns.State The state of the item (all / active / archived / deleted), the default is active.


>>> column_name = 'Users'
>>> column = board.columns[column_name]
>>> items = board.get_items_by_multiple_column_values(column, ['User 1', 'User 2'], 'id', 'name')
>>> items
[{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'User 1'}, {'id': '1234568', 'name': 'User 2'}]

Create a column value from a board's column.
Returns: moncli.entities.ColumnValue


Name Type Description
id str The column's unique identifier. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'title'
title str The column's title. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'id'


>>> column_value = board.get_column_value('test_column', 'Test Column')
>>> column_value
{'id': 'test_column', 'name': 'Test Column', 'value': '{\"text\": \"Test Value\"}'}

Create a new webhook.
Returns: moncli.entities.Webhook


Name Type Description
url str The webhook URL.
event moncli.enums.WebhookEventType The event to listen to (incoming_notification / change_column_value / change_specific_column_value / create_item / create_update).
config (Optional) dict The webhook config.


>>> from moncli.enums import WebhookEventType
>>> url = 'http://test.website.com/webhook/test'
>>> event = WebhookEventType.create_item
>>> webhook = board.create_webhook(url, event, 'id', 'board_id')
>>> webhook
{'id': '2345', 'board_id': '12345'}
>>> # Create a webhook using the config parameter.
>>> event = WebhookEventType.change_specific_column_value
>>> config = {'columnId': 'column_1'}
>>> webhook = board.create_webhook(url, event, 'id', 'board_id', config=config)
>>> webhook
{'id': '2346', 'board_id': '12345'}

Delete a new webhook.
Returns: moncli.entities.Webhook


Name Type Description
id str The webhook's unique identifier.


>>> webhook_id = '2345'
>>> webhook = board.delete_webhook(webhook_id, 'id', 'board_id')
>>> webhook
{'id': '2345', 'board_id': '12345'}

Get the board's workspace that contains this board (null for main workspace).
Returns: moncli.entities.Workspace


>>> workspace = board.get_workspace('name', 'kind')
>>> workspace
{'name': 'New Workspace', 'kind': 'open'}


This section contains all properties and methods contained within the Group object.


Name Type Description
archived bool Is the group archived or not.
color str The group's color.
deleted bool Is the group deleted or not.
id str The group's unique identifier.
items [list[moncli.entities.Item]] The items in the group.
position str The group's position in the board.
title str The group's title.


Duplicate this group.
Returns: moncli.entities.Group


Name Type Description
add_to_top (default=False) bool Should the new group be added to the top.
group_title (Optional) str The group's title.


>>> duplicate = group.duplicate('id', 'name')
>>> duplicate
{'id': 'group_2', 'name': 'New Group (Duplicate)'}

Archives this group.
Returns: moncli.entities.Group


>>> archived_group = group.archive('id', 'name', 'archived')
>>> archived_group
{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group', 'archived': True}

Delete this group.
Returns: moncli.entities.Group


>>> deleted_group = group.delete('id', 'name', 'deleted')
>>> archived_group
{'id': 'group_1', 'name': 'New Group', 'deleted': True}

Add item to this group.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
item_name str The new item's name.
column_values (Optional) json The column values of the new item.


>>> item_name = 'New Item 1'
>>> item = group.add_item(item_name, 'id', 'name')
>>> item
{'id': 1234567', 'name': 'New Item 1}

Get items from this group.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Item]


Name Type Description
limit (Optional) int Number of items to get; the default is 25.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.
ids (Optional) list[str] A list of items unique identifiers.
newest_first (Optional) bool Get the recently created items at the top of the list.


>>> items = group.get_items('id', 'name')
>>> items
[{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'New Item 1'}]


This section contains all properties and methods contained within the Board object.


Name Type Description
assets list[moncli.entities.Asset] The item's assets/files.
board moncli.entities.Board The board that contains this item.
column_values list[moncli.entities.ColumnValue] The item's column values.
created_at str The item's create date.
creator moncli.entities.User The item's creator.
creator_id str The item's unique identifier.
group moncli.entities.Group The group that contains this item.
id str The item's unique identifier.
name str The item's name.
state str The board's state (all / active / archived / deleted)
subscriber moncli.entities.User The pulse's subscribers.
updated_at str The item's last update date.
updates moncli.entities.Update The item's updates.


Add a file to a column value.
Returns: moncli.entities.Asset


Name Type Description
file_column moncli.entities.FileValue The file column value to be updated.
file_path str The file path.


>>> file_column = item.get_column_value(id='file_column_1')
>>> file_path = '/users/test/monday_files/test.jpg'
>>> asset = item.add_file(file_column, file_path, 'id', 'name', 'url')
>>> asset
{'id': '1234567890', 'name': 'test.jpg', 'url': 'https://test.monday.com/files/test.jpg'}

Retrieves the file assets for the login user's account.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Asset]


Name Type Description
column_ids (optional) list[str] A list of column IDs from which to retrieve file assets.


>>> assets = item.get_files('id', 'name', 'url')
>>> assets
[{'id': '1234567890', 'name': 'test.jpg', 'url': 'https://test.monday.com/files/test.jpg'}]

Removes files from a column value.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Asset]


Name Type Description
file_column moncli.entities.FileValue The file column value to be updated.


>>> file_column = item.get_column_value(id='file_column_1')
>>> item = item.remove_files(file_column, 'id', 'name')
>>> item
{'id': '1234567', 'name': 'New Item 1'}

Get the board that contains this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Board


>>> board = item.get_board('id', 'name')
>>> board
{'id': '12345', 'name': 'New Public Board'}

Get the item's creator.
Returns: moncli.entities.User


>>> creator = item.get_creator('id', 'name')
>>> creator
{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}

Get the item's column values.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.ColumnValue]


>>> column_values = item.get_column_values('id', 'title')
>>> column_values
[{'id': 'text_column_1', 'title': 'New Text Column'}]

Get an item's column value by ID or title.
Returns: moncli.entities.ColumnValue


Name Type Description
id str The column's unique identifier. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'title'.
title str The column's title. NOTE: This parameter is mutually exclusive and cannot be used with 'id'.


>>> # Get column value by id.
>>> column_id = 'text_column_1'
>>> column_value = item.get_column_value(id=column_id)
>>> column_value
{'id': 'text_column_1', 'title': 'New Text Column'}
>>> # Get column value by title.
>>> column_title = 'New Text Column'
>>> column_value = item.get_column_value(title=column_title)
>>> column_value
{'id': 'text_column_1', 'title': 'New Text Column'}

Change an item's column value.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
column_value moncli.entities.ColumnValue The column value to update.


>>> # Get and update column value before changing it.
>>> column_value = item.get_column_value(id='text_column_1')
>>> column_value.text = 'Updated Text'
>>> item.change_column_value(column_value)

Change the item's column values.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
column_values list[moncli.entities.ColumnValue] / dict The column value to update. NOTE: This value can either be a list of moncli.entities.ColumnValue objects or a formatted dictionary.


>>> # Get and update column value before changing it.
>>> column_value = item.get_column_value(id='text_column_1')
>>> column_value.text = 'Updated Text'
>>> # Update column value as ColumnValue list.
>>> item.change_multiple_column_values([column_value])
>>> # Update column value as dict.
>>> item.change_multiple_column_values({'text': 'Updated Text'})

Create subitem.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
item_name str The new item's name.
column_values (Optional) json The column values of the new item.


>>> item_name = 'New Subitem'
>>> subitem = item.create_subitem(item_name, 'id', 'name', 'board.name')
>>> subitem
{'id': '1234568', 'name': 'New Subitem', 'board': {'name': 'Some monday.com-generated Board'}}

Move item to a different group.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
group_id str The group's unique identifier.


>>> group_id = 'group_2'
>>> item = item.move_to_group(group_id, 'id', 'group.id', 'group.name')
>>> item
{'id': '1234567', 'group':{'id': 'group_2', 'name': New Group 2'}}

Archive this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


>>> item = item.archive('id', 'state')
>>> item
{'id': '1234567', 'state': 'archived'}

Delete this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


>>> item = item.delete('id', 'state')
>>> item
{'id': '1234567', 'state': 'deleted'}

Duplicate this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Item


Name Type Description
with_updates (Optional) bool Duplicate with the item's updates.


>>> duplicate = item.duplicate('id', 'name')
>>> duplicate
{'id': '1234568','name': 'New Item 2'}

Create a new update for this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Update


Name Type Description
body str The update text.
parent_id (Optional) str The parent post identifier.


>>> body = 'Hello, World!'
>>> update = item.add_update(body, 'id', 'text_body')
>>> update
{'id': '123456781', 'text_body': 'Hello, World!'}

Get updates for this item.
Returns: moncli.entities.Update


Name Type Description
limit (Optional) int Number of updates to get; the default is 25.
page (Optional) int Page number to get, starting at 1.


>>> updates = item.get_updates()
>>> updates 
[{'id': '123456781', 'text_body': 'Hello, World!'}]

Delete item update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Update


Name Type Description
update_id str The update's unique identifier.


>>> update_id = '123456781'
>>> item.delete_update(update_id)

Clear all updates for item. Returns: moncli.entities.Item


>>> item = item.clear_updates('id', 'updates.id')
>>> item
{'id': '123456781', 'updates': []}

Get the items event logs.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.ActivityLog]


Name Type Description
limit int Number of items to get, the default is 25.
page int Page number to get, starting at 1.
user_ids list[str] User ids to filter.
column_ids list[str] Column ids to filter.
group_ids list[str] Group ids to filter.
item_ids list[str] Item id to filter
from str From timespamp (ISO8601).
to str To timespamp (ISO8601).


>>> activity_logs = item.get_activity_logs('id','data')
>>> activity_logs
[{'id': '12345678901', 'data': 'INSERT_COLIMN_DATA_HERE'}]



Name Type Description
assets list[moncli.entities.Asset] The update's assets/files.
body str The update's html formatted body.
created_at str The update's creation date.
creator moncli.entities.User The update's creator.
creator_id str The unique identifier of the update creator.
id str The update's unique identifier.
item_id str The update's item ID.
replies list[moncli.entities.Reply] The update's replies.
text_body str The update's text body.
updated_at str The update's last edit date.


Get the update's creator.
Returns: moncli.entities.User


>>> creator = update.get_creator('id', 'name')
>>> creator
{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}

Add reply to update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Reply


Name Type Description
body str The text body of the reply.


>>> body = 'Right back at you!'
>>> update.add_reply(body)

Add reply to update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Reply


>>> replies = update.get_replies('text_body')
>>> replies
{'text_body': 'Right back at you!'}

Add a file to update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Reply


Name Type Description
file_path str The path to the file to upload.


>>> file_path = '/users/test/monday_files/test.jpg'
>>> asset = update.add_file(file_path, 'name', 'url')
>>> asset
{'name': 'test.jpg', 'url': 'https://test.monday.com/files/test.jpg'}

Get update's files.
Returns: moncli.entities.Reply


>>> assets = update.get_files('name', 'url')
>>> assets
[{'name': 'test.jpg', 'url': 'https://test.monday.com/files/test.jpg'}]

delete Delete an update.
Returns: moncli.entities.Reply


>>> update.delete()



Name Type Description
id str The file's unique identifier.
created_at str The file's creation date.
file_extension str The file's extension.
file_size int The file's size in bytes.
name str The file's name.
public_url str Public url to the asset, valid for 1 hour.
uploaded_by moncli.entities.User The user who uploaded the file.
url str The file url.
url_thumbnail str Url to view the asset in thumbnail mode. Only available for images.


Get the user who uploaded the file.
Returns: moncli.entities.User


>>> uploaded_by = asset.get_uploaded_by_user('id', 'name')
>>> uploaded_by
{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User'}



Name Type Description
account moncli.entities.user.Account The user's account.
birthday str The user's birthday.
country_code str The user's country code.
created_at str The user's creation date.
email str The user's email.
enabled bool Is the user enabled or not.
id str The user's unique identifier.
is_guest bool Is the user a guest or not.
is_pending bool Is the user a pending user.
is_view_only bool Is the user a view only user or not.
join_date str The date the user joined the account.
location str The user' location.
mobile_phone str The user's mobile phone number.
name str The user's name.
phone str The user's phone number.
photo_original str The user's photo in the original size.
photo_small str The user's photo in small size (150x150).
photo_thumb str The user's photo in thumbnail size (100x100).
photo_thumb_small str The user's photo in small thumbnail size (50x50).
photo_tiny str The user's photo in tiny size (30x30).
teams list[moncli.entities.user.Team] The teams the user is a member in.
time_zone_identifier str The user's time zone identifier.
title str The user's title.
url str The user's profile url.
utc_hours_diff int The user's UTC hours difference.


Get the user's account.
Returns: moncli.entities.Account


>>> account = user.get_account('id', 'name')
>>> account
{'id': '1', 'name': 'Test Account'}

Get teams the user is a member in.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Team]


>>> teams = user.get_teams('id', 'name')
>>> teams
[{'id': '12', 'name': 'Test Team'}]

Create a new notification.
Returns: moncli.entities.Notification


Name Type Description
text str The notification text.
target_id str The target's unique identifier.
target_type moncli.enums.NotificationTargetType The target's type (Project / Post)
payload (Optional) json The notification payload.


>>> from moncli.enums import NotificationTargetType
>>> text = 'Hello, World!'
>>> target_id = '1235'
>>> notification_type = NotificationTargetType.Post
>>> notification = user.create_notification(text, target_id, notification_type, 'id', 'text')
>>> notification
{'id': '123456789', 'text': 'Hello, World!'}

Other Entities

This section contains property and method information of other entities available using moncli.

Board View


Name Type Description
account_id str The user's payment account.
created_at str The activity log's created date.
data str The item's column values in string form.
entity str The monday.com object being updated.
id str The activity log's unique identifier.
user_id str The user who performed the change.



Name Type Description
archived bool Is the column archived or not.
id str The column's unique identifier.
pos str The column's position in the board.
settings_str strThe column's settings in a string form.
settings moncli.entities.Settings The settings in entity form (status / dropdown)
title str The column's title.
type str The column's type.
column_type moncli.entities.ColumnType The column's type as an enum.
width int The column's width.



Name Type Description
id str The notification`s unique identifier.
text str the notification text.



Name Type Description
color str The tag's color.
id str The tag's unique identifier.
name str The tag's name.



Name Type Description
board_id str The webhook's board id.
id str The webhook's unique identifier.
is_active bool If the webhook is still active.



Name Type Description
description str The workspace's description.
id int The workspace`s unique identifier.
kind moncli.enums.WorkspaceKind The workspace's kind (open / closed).
name str The workspace's name.



Name Type Description
first_day_of_the_week str The first day of the week for the account (sunday / monday).
id int The account's unique identifier.
logo str The account's logo.
name str The account's name.
plan moncli.entities.Plan The account's payment plan.
show_timeline_weekends bool` Show weekends in timeline.
slug str The account's slug.


Get the account's payment plan.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.Plan]


>>> plan = team.get_plan('version')
>>> plan
{'version': '33'}



Name Type Description
id int The team's unique identifier.
name str The team's name.
picture_url str The team's picture url.
users moncli.entities.User The users in the team.


Get the users in the team.
Returns: list[moncli.entities.User]


>>> users = team.get_users('id', 'name')
>>> users
[{'id': '1234', 'name': 'Test User}]



Name Type Description
max_users int The maximum users allowed in the plan.
period str The plan's time period.
tier str The plan's tier.
version int The plan's version.

Column Values

A ColumnValue can also be created without the need for Board or Item objects using the universal create_column_value function. This method creates a ColumnValue object from the input column id and column_type parameter (with an optional title field). The ColumnType enum is used for the column_type parameter, and all values available for column value updating are listed below:

  • name
  • text
  • long_text
  • numbers
  • status
  • dropdown
  • people
  • world_clock
  • country
  • email
  • phone
  • link
  • date
  • timeline
  • tags
  • hour
  • week
  • checkbox
  • rating
  • file

An example for creating a new ColumnValue object is shown below. Please note that the board column IDs must be pre-defined and know prior to using this function effectively.

>>> # Empty checkbox column value
>>> from moncli import create_column_value
>>> new_empty_checkbox_column_value = create_column_value(id='checkbox_column_1', column_type=ColumnType.checkbox)
>>> new_empty_checkbox_column.checked

ColumnValue objects are also created from Board objects using the get_column_value method. This method is especially useful when working with column values for columns with settings, status and dropdown columns in particular. The method above is used as shown below.

>>> # Get status column by column id.
>>> status_column_id = 'status'
>>> status = board.get_column_value('status')
>>> # Or get status column by title.
>>> status = board.get_column_value(title='Status')
>>> status.label = 'Done'

For more information regarding the ColumnValue object type specific properties, please refer to the Available column value types section below.

Using column values

With access to the ColumnValue objects, item column values can effectively be updated using the API. Updating the value of the ColumnValue object is simply a matter of updating the value of the type-specific property for the column value to be updated. An example with a simple text column and more complex week column are shown below.

>>> # Updating the value of a text column
>>> text_column_value.text = 'Changed text here'
>>> # Updating the value of a week column
>>> week_column_value.start_date = '2019-09-09'
>>> week_column_value.end_date = '2019-09-15'

For more information regarding the ColumnValue object type specific properties, please refer to the Available column value types section below.

Available column value types

Column values are managed by various ColumnValue subclasses that contain the type-specific properties for updating. This section provides an exhastive list of all available ColumnValue subclasses that can be used for updating item column values.


ColumnType: text


  • text (str) - input text string


ColumnType: numbers


  • number (int/flt) - input integer or float value


ColumnType: status


  • index (int) - the index of the status (required)
  • label (str) - the label of the status (required)


  • change_status_by_index (index: int) - changes the status by the index according to status settings
  • change_status_by_label (label: str) - changes the status by the label according to status settings


ColumnType: dropdown


  • ids (list[int]) - dropdown value IDs (required)
  • labels (list[str]) - dropdown value labels (required)


  • ids and labels properties are mutually exclusive and cannot both be used


ColumnType: people


  • persons_and_teams (list) - people by ID and kind ('person' or 'team')


  • add_people (id: int, kind: PeopleKind) - adds a person or team
  • remove_people (id: int) - removes a person or team by id


>>> # Adding people
>>> people_value.add_people(id=12345, kind=PeopleKind.person)
>>> people_value.add_people(id=67890, kind=PeopleKind.team)
>>> people_value.persons_and_teams
[{'id': 12345, 'kind': 'person'}, {'id': 67890, 'kind': 'team'}]
>>> # Removing people
>>> people_value.remove_people(id=67890)
>>> people_value.persons_and_teams 
[{'id': 12345, 'kind': 'person'}]

Timezone Value

ColumnType: world_clock


  • timezone (str) - input tz database timezone string


  • Full list of timezones avaliable here.


ColumnType: country


  • country_code (str) - input ISO2 country code string (required)
  • country_name (str) - input country name (required)


  • Full list of country_code and country_name values available here


ColumnType: country


  • email (str) - input email address (required)
  • text (str, default: email) - input email value label


ColumnType: phone


  • phone (str) - input phone number string as only digits (required)
  • country_short_name (str) - input ISO2 country code string (required)


  • Full list of country_code and country_name values available here


ColumnType: link


  • url (str) - input link url (required)
  • text (str, default: url) - input link value label


ColumnType: date


  • date (str) - UTC date string in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format (required)
  • time (str, default: '00:00:00') - UTC time string in hh:mm:ss format


ColumnType: timeline


  • from_date (str) - UTC date string in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format (required)
  • to_date (str) - UTC date string in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format (required)


ColumnType: tags


  • tag_ids (list[int]) - tag IDs


ColumnType: hour


  • hour (int) - hour value
  • minute (int, default: 0) - minute value


ColumnType: week


  • start_date (str) - UTC date string in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format (required)
  • end_date (str) - UTC date string in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format (required)


ColumnType: checkbox


  • checked (bool) - is checked


ColumnType: rating


  • rating (int) - rating value (0-5)

Using the API v2 Client

(Coming soon...)

Creating Custom GraphQL Queries

(Coming soon...)

Additional Questions/Feature Requests:

Please feel free to log an issue or request a new feature by submitting a new issue or reaching out to me at andrew.shatz@trix.solutions. Thank you and happy coding!!!