
A textbook trading platform for college students. ReactJS frontend, serverless backend with Firebase. First prize winning project at MEC-Labs 2018 🏆

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Project to create a textbook buy/sell website for college students


This is a project to create a textbook buy/sell website for college students, starting with the students of Govt. Model Engineering College.


  • One of the most significant difficulties faced by students at the beginning of a semester (Especially freshers) is getting the required reference material for that semester. We aim to solve this by an online textbook buy/sell platform.
  • This will be a web app that consists of two sections: for the buyer and the seller. Students who are looking to sell their textbooks can put up details of the book, the author and the amount they want for it. Students looking to buy can search/sort books by subject, topic, author etc.
  • Once they have picked a buyer they can exchange contacts and set a time and meet up place within the campus to exchange the book.
  • If this project succeeds it can be easily extended to include students from other campuses as well.

Technical outline:

  • Stack used: ReactJS, NodeJS, Firebase Realtime Database and cloud functions
  • Frontend will be mainly created using ReactJS and associated technologies.
  • Backend will be created using Firebase
  • The app will be using the Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase's built in Cloud Functions
  • Students will be able to access the app through any browser, and will have to create an account on the site for buying/selling.
  • The website will be developed in a mobile first fashion so as to optimize it for smartphones.

Instructions on setting up the project

  • Download and install Node.

  • Fork this repository and clone it to your local machine.

  • Run npm install in the project directory and let it install all the dependecies. (This might take a while)

  • Run npm start to start the development server.

  • Begin coding!

Team Members

Features that may or may not be added

  • Image preview before upload
  • Make all sections of the site responsive.
  • Add an internal communication system so contact details does not have to be given up.
  • Add something to verify the student is from MEC on login.
  • Support for things other than textbooks, like mini drafters etc